Good Morning Beautiful People….Do You Believe in Miracle Season?



I love Christmas, Oh how I love the spirit of Christmas. There is nothing that can snuff out my love for Christmas, no nothing. I learned the true meaning of Christmas years ago. Journey with me from now to Christmas and let’s Pray, let’s Believe and let’s Receive together (read Angel’s Prayer of The Day).

I was writing my daily post last week and remembered a gift from my secret Santa (a co-worker) a few years ago. It was a Believe calendar. I loved that calendar. I enjoyed the pictures, the verses and all the different sayings. It was from a local church which made it quite special.

I love to Believe. I love to pray and Believe God for big things. I must say it’s mostly thing’s money can’t buy. I pray and Believe for people to know Christ intimately. I Believe for people to be warm on cold nights. I Believe for food for people that may be hungry. I Believe for hurting hearts to be made whole again. I Believe for Miracles from the creator of the universe to whoever needs it. That takes me to my next point.

Miracles happen every day, they really do. However, I Believe this time of year we experience more of the miraculous. Maybe I’m just more sensitive to it, or I’m looking closer for it, I don’t know, but I Believe It’s miracle season. Can you Believe with me too?

The whole miraculous birth of Jesus, who can deny it was anything but ordinary. Jesus was humble and meek, a true servant, a foot washer. So must we. However I serve, I try hard to do it unto the Lord. Whether I’m behind a desk in a hidden cubicle or in the public’s eye, I work unto him. He is a God that see’s it all and it’s all for his glory anyway. I want to be found faithful to the miracle maker, how about you? Are you excited about the journey?

I remember years ago now I was cleaning in my kitchen and felt impressed to take half of my groceries to a particular family. I argued with the thoughts I was having as that didn’t make sense. So I decided to go polish the dining room table and get out of the kitchen. As I glanced up I saw a candle I had in the china cabinet and I so heard Tell Her I Love Her. I was beginning to realize this was real- an assignment from the creator himself. I hurriedly packed up the groceries and the candle and went to this family’s house. At first there was no answer and I was just going to leave it by the door. As I turned to leave the woman came out and I told her my wild story. She invited me in and showed me her bare refrigerator. I was humbled. I was excited that I heard the voice of the Lord and humbled he wanted to use me to be his hands and feet extended. I asked God to forgive me for arguing about the food (it was never about the food anyway) and promised I would try to be a better servant. I so want to be a vessel in which he can trust. How about you? Are you ready and willing to be used by God himself?

God speaks to us, do you hear him? I listened to a former Pastors (Pastor Rick Kavanaugh’s) sermon Ears to Hear yesterday  at and it sparked a fire to listen for Gods voice more closely. Are you tuned in? Together, let’s agree to listen for any assignments he may give us. Are you available?

Let’s pray: Father your Word is full of miracle stories. Today oh God we join our Faith across this globe and pray for eyes to see and for ears to hear and courage to obey. We Believe (what miracle do you need? Ask and Believe if you need one). Lord, you came as a servant and may we serve in our work places and communities or wherever you may ask of us. Count me in God, I totally give one hundred percent of my life to you (tell him honestly right where you are at- he’ll get you to the next level). Lord use your body today (the body of Christ, that’s us) and may we be found faithful. Let the miracles unfold for your glory Lord, your glory alone. Amen

John 10:27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.


  1. Good one! Kelly it IS so important to be OBEDIENT to Our Most High God!!

    Love Christmas and many times have reminders all the year around, cause as I see it every day is one to celebrate the King of King’s birth!


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