From: National Review Online
Who does boycott Wal-Mart … Really? It may be, in small numbers, people duped by the educated that will never set foot in a Wal-Mart or similar retail establishment. If you buy the unions’ tales and the professionally produced picket signs of others aligned with them, it is the poor and downtrodden, forced as slaves might be, to work their fingers to the bone with no hope of reasonable salaries or “upward-mobility.”
The truth is far from the stories told by those who favor closing Wal-Marts over seeing the middle-class and the poor have the opportunity to purchase food, clothing and other needs at prices they can afford.
We invite you to read the following and then chase the posted the link for the rest of the story:
Who Boycotts Wal-Mart?
Social-justice warriors who are too enlightened to let their poor neighbors pay lower prices.

Columbia County, Ark. — There’s no sign of it here in Magnolia, Ark., but the boycott season is upon us, and graduates of Princeton and Bryn Mawr are demanding “justice” from Wal-Mart, which is not in the justice business but in the groceries, clothes, and car-batteries business. It is easy to scoff, but I am ready to start taking the social-justice warriors’ insipid rhetoric seriously — as soon as two things happen: First, I want to hear from the Wal-Mart-protesting riffraff a definition of “justice” that is something that does not boil down to “I Get What I Want, Irrespective of Other Concerns.”
Second, I want to turn on the radio and hear Jay-Z boasting about his new Timex.