Let Us Gather Together For God’s Glory Alone!


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Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

We sure do love you all! We are praying for you!

A lady got upset at me today because I did not rep[y to her question fast enough on Facebook! I am sorry but I do not use Facebook messaging that much. We are falling behind right now on return of phone calls, simply because it is just me! LOL! LOL! We will get to all the messages one by one! We do our best! We have been getting calls late into the night this week. So many people in need. Please pray for us! In this day and age of technology some people expect an instant response., but 99.9 1/2% of folks are very understanding!

We have these prayer needs from Margo, who I got to see today in my visit to Univision Radio in Albuquerque! Had a tremendous time of ministry and prayer with our Dear friend’s Grace Cordova and Margo! Margo ask’s for our prayers……….

Good Morning- Please pray for these young ladies…………..

1. Monique  – my daughter her Salvation, and she desire God and come back to church. Brake any curses that are keeping her.. alcohol, drugs, any bad influences in her life…

2. Sarah – my stepdaughter – that God take this ungodly man from her life. God bring her home… and she be a good mother to Isaiah….

3. Drina- God please remove this girl from her life that is causing confusion…..

God keep any harm or evil from my girls I pray your hedge of protection over them…….IN JESUS NAME AMEN.

Pastor Dewy- Thank you for taking time to pray with me its always nice to see you….MAY GOD BLESS YOU, YOUR FAMILY AND MINISTRY…..Margo

Let us cover these young ladies in our prayers, in Jesus name, Amen!

Please pray for ick Stambaugh and his lovely wife Sandy, both are in extreme pain today! Please pray for healing in Jesus  name, Amen!

My day was started off right  in more ways than one….and one of those ways was this from Randal Thom in Lakefield, Minnesota.  By the way October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Please pray for all Pastor’s everyday! I know many of you do! I will never forget the story that Pastor Leonard Navarre told me a few years ago, his friend was getting on a plane and he was sitting down next to a man that was praying and Leonard’s friend said, “Oh you must be a Christian man” The man said “NO! I’m praying for the death of one thousand Pastor’s!” hands praying

Good morning Pastor Dewey,, may you have a blessed joy filled day in Jesus..
How to PRAY for your pastor

1. Pray that he will have a greater insight of the Word of God and then
use that understanding to apply it in his life and ministry.
2. Pray for their protection from the work of Satan.
3. Pray that his heart will remain soft in the face of abrasive and
abusive people.
4. Pray for his personal spiritual growth.
5. Pray for his success…however it would be that God would define it
for them.
6. Pray that he will speak the truth with boldness and humility.
7. Pray that he will persevere through whatever trial they are facing.
8. Pray for his children – that they will grow up with a positive impression
of church ministry.
9. Pray that he will remain pure, and that his love for his wife would
increase daily.
10. Pray that you will know how to encourage your pastor.
11. Pray that God would give him wisdom, strength, and courage.
12. Pray that his flock will understand when he makes mistakes.
13. Pray that his heart will never become calloused and stony.
14. Pray for his physical, mental, and Spiritual health.
Ron Provence
How to PRAY for your pastor

1. Pray that he will have a greater insight of the Word of God and then
use that understanding to apply it in his life and ministry.
2. Pray for their protection from the work of Satan.
3. Pray that his heart will remain soft in the face of abrasive and
abusive people.
4. Pray for his personal spiritual growth.
5. Pray for his success…however it would be that God would define it
for them.
6. Pray that he will speak the truth with boldness and humility.
7. Pray that he will persevere through whatever trial they are facing.
8. Pray for his children – that they will grow up with a positive impression
of church ministry.
9. Pray that he will remain pure, and that his love for his wife would
increase daily.
10. Pray that you will know how to encourage your pastor.
11. Pray that God would give him wisdom, strength, and courage.
12. Pray that his flock will understand when he makes mistakes.
13. Pray that his heart will never become calloused and stony.
14. Pray for his physical, mental, and Spiritual health.

Also read the following post, It hit me in the face! The one on not feeding my own soul! I realized after reading this, I need to spend more time myself in praying, worshiping, and studying. Sharon has been telling me this! STUBBORN MEN!!!!

10 Dangerous Distractions for a Pastorbit.ly/1rJ0U2O

From a new FRIEND!!! PRAISE GOD!!!

An independent spirit opens the door to the strongman called Independence and attached to it comes…self-rule, self- government, rebellion (which opens the door to witchcraft, God said that rebellion is as witchcraft), isolation, self-protectiveness, self- sufficiency, pride, rejection (which is a root cause) fear, distrust, self-reliance. So repent and let it all go. Stop allowing Satan to put all those heavy burdens on you. Be dependent upon God, He knows what you need and supplies all your needs according to His riches in glory, through Christ Jesus. It’s so much easier to live life in the hands of a loving God who cares and loves you so much, than to wrestle with your mind and thoughts listening to the lies of the enemy. Let your heart totally SURRENDER to GOD and He will help you every step
of the way. Jesus said, take my yoke upon you and learn of me. For my burden is light!

From FGGAM Friend Mona Michelle

Please check out these news and inspiration stories here at FGGAM! We are here to serve our Lord and you! Please support our efforts for the Kingdom!

The Evil of the Islamic State and the Work of Jesus Christ Please read this post by Pastor Paul Holt about his Boss who is in Lebanon right now!

St. Phillips Episcopal Church Fire in Belen, NM Please help this Church if you can!

6 year old Boy with Terminal Cancer, Scores Touchdown with help of Teammates! What a story!

Ebola Being Monitored in Second Person and May Have Exposed Children We broke this story yesterday and now Pastor Paul has a follow up on Ebola in America

Reporters Told Not To Speak To Crowd at Michelle Obama’s Speech More crazy stuff from the Obama’s!

What? Obama Shares Elevator with an Armed Security Contractor with 3 Felonies? Unbelievable! But believable coming from this Administration!

Secret Service Director Resigns After Failing to Protect President The Obama Administration proving once again, that they would mess up a one car funeral!

I think this little ministry produces plenty of news and inspiration for a volunteer staff! Don’t you? Please pray for us! Thank the LORD for all of our volunteers! Amen! It’s all GOD! AMEN! cup of goodness

Thank you for coming by for a CUP!

For God’s Glory Alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team!

Let us keep praying for each other and our families and neighbors!

And all of God’s people said, AMEN!

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