Friends of FGGAM: FGGAM is 2 Years Young Today! PRAISE GOD!


My life verse that I will die on……My life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus. Acts 20:24

Dear friends of FGGAM, we are celebrating 2 years of service to our Lord today. We know it’s just 2 short years, but we want to share God’s Glory with the world and tell you all what HE has done and is doing with FGGAM! God is building a worldwide family here, some days 20,000 readers come to this site for news and information. Our top 25 most reached countries include: Israel, Nigeria, Malaysia, Spain, Pakistan, France, Egypt, Italy, United Arab Emirates, Kenya, South Africa, Philippines, India…just to give you an idea of the reach that God has gifted FGGAM with. In New Mexico God has made us the number one Christian news and inspiration website. It’s all God! Who else could have brought together 35 volunteer writers who gift us with their God given talents on a daily or weekly basis! Only GOD! 2 Cor. 11: 17-18 teaches us: But, “Let him who boasts boast in the Lord.” For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.  As we say her at FGGAM: For God’s Glory Alone! For God’s Glory Alone  preaches, teaches, counsels, helps people, like cleaning the yards of folks that are not able to, for health reasons or financial, we are here to serve, attempting  to bring a towel and wash basin into every situation presented to us. We have had a 1994 Ford F-150 pick-up donated to us to  haul our lawn equipment around, thank you LORD! God has also blessed us with radio and TV programming, YouTube, and iTunes. God told us to reach one person at a time, to show His light, and we will continue to do that, as that is the mission the Lord has given us. Some months we have not known how we were going to meet our financial obligations, but the Lord has always provided! Thanks so much to all of you who financially support the efforts of FGGAM!! We love you so much!  We have learned much in this walk of faith, it seems we learn more everyday about walking in complete faith.  One more praise note: Sharon and I are in AWE of GOD…..we look at what God has done and is doing…we are just in plain AWE of our LORD! With our preaching, teaching, counseling, and all the media the Lord has given us, in the last year we have reached over a half-million people, and closing in very fast on ONE MILLION!   ….we are in AWE and in tears of the power of our Lord. Our little ministry is ran out of my man cave in our house. Only God can take so little and make it so huge for HIM!, For HIS Glory!   Here are two letters we received from New Mexico and Georgia………

When we are young we believe we have all the time in the world. We want to be older than we are and can’t wait to turn 18 and then 21. All of a sudden, years have gone by faster than we can imagine and we’ve sometimes been trying to do our own thing and moving without the direction of our Heavenly Father. Dewey you have always given each of us an example of waiting on the Lord and seeing the blessings that follow. When we first met I immediately saw in you a man of God. As the years past our relationship has grown stronger and your desire to please God has exploded. The cup has always provided truth and inspiration for all. I cannot tell you how many times just reading the cup changed my attitude for the day and added to my own growth as a child of God. When you heard from God to step out in faith and begin FGGAM I knew without a doubt that you had been anointed to do something wonderful. Each person you have talked with, visited in the hospital, preached to or just bought gas from has been touched in a way they will never forget. You are here to serve and I count it a blessing to be a small part of FGGAM and to work with you to help further the Kingdom of God. Two years and counting!! What a testimony. Dewey you are truly a blessing. Love in the Lord, Wanell Pate in Albuquerque, NM FGGAM Board member

“For Gods Glory Alone Ministries” is and has been a great a tool for encouragement. It has blessed many in these short two years and I am confident it will bless many, many more in the coming years. I have been blessed to be able to write on occasion and I am thankful for that. God has and will continue to bless this ministry. God Bless you all, Kirsten Duff Young in Buford, Georgia

Thank you Wanell and Kirsten for your lovely words……pictured below is part of the FGGAM Board as we were hosting a “The World We Live In” conference last winter at Christ Full Deliverance Ministries in Rio Rancho, NM. Pictured from left to right, FGGAM news reporter Rick Stambaugh, Bob and Wanell Pate, Jo and Paul Holt and myself. Pictured below is Kirsten Duff Young who also writes for FGGAM along with her husband Stephen. Sharon and I thank all of our volunteers for making FGGAM possible! We thank all of our readers like you! We love you all!!! For God’s Glory Alone!

Freinds of FGGAM Bannerfggam at Christ Fullkristen

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