Christian Broadcasters Unite in Support of Israel


Our Dear Friend Annette Garcia President of Son Broadcasting KCHF TV Ch 11 and KDAZ AM730 Radio in Albuquerque and Santa Fe, New Mexico brings us news of this TV Special in support of Israel.Annette Garcia 2

EXPORT, Pa. – As Israel finally sees a reprieve from the seven-week terrorist war inflicted on over half its population, Christian broadcasters worldwide launch For Israel’s Sake: Joining Hands-Saving Lives, a television event set to air on Sunday, September 21. The purpose of For Israel’s Sake is to unite the hearts of Christians and encourage them to pray for Israel, to stand with Israel, and to bless the land and people of Israel with financial support.

Annette Garcia, President of SON Broadcasting, one of the organizers noted, “According to the Scriptures, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will ultimately judge every nation as to how Israel is treated. For Israel’s Sake will be an example to all that we accept our responsibility to stand with Israel.”

For Israel’s Sake producer, Joshua Weiss of CrossTalk, added, “Israel can’t always plan for the challenges it faces. So when we bless Israel, it shows our solidarity and it affirms that we are brothers, that we stand in unity, that we support Israel, and we are in this together.”

For Israel’s Sake is organized by ministries and businesses who have donated their time and services. All funds raised will help support three organizations that provide services critical to Israel:

The organizers invite Christians, ministries, and businesses to join them in promoting this important event in every way possible. Please visit for more information and to find a complete broadcast schedule. The program airs on KCHF from 5pm to 9pm this Sunday.

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