Jimmy Carter Tells Detroit Islamic Conference: “Principles of Allah” Are Key To World Peace


I am speechless, but I should expect this from Jimmy. Should be no surprise. Jimmy Carter peaceJimmy Carter Tells Detroit Islamic Conference: “Principles of Allah” Are Key to World Peace! thegatewaypundit.com/2014/08/jimmy-… 


  1. IF we look at his entire speech, he DID make some excellent points about equality and the horrors that are placed on the entire female gender in the name of allah or sharia or some foolishness that comes from pure evil.

    BUT as you know to kill something you must make it appealing so it will be ingested, then only a bit of poison does the murdering.

    That is the poison of former one term president Carter’s remarks. He also catered to his audience and sadly he is deluded to believe his own truth that principals of islam would lead us to world peace. Perhaps in a strange way he is “right” that if there was only one world “religion” all would believe the same thus no conflict.

    We know as followers of Jesus Christ that will not happen, He will always have a remnant in every place that will stand no matter what for His truth, His Life and His Way that gives peace for today and our future.

  2. It is so sad that a believer in Jesus Christ should have such a twisted and deluded comment. However, we will forgive him and continue to love him and continue to declare that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD TO THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER! EVERY KNEE WILL BOW TO HIM!!! AMEN!!!

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