Federal Courts In Conflict Over Obamacare Subsidy Ruling



Only hours after the DC Federal Court Of Appeals handed down a decision concerning the legality of Obamacare subsidy payments in states that did not set up their own state registration websites, the Fourth Federal Court of Appeals rules exactly the opposite upholding all subsidies. (Maybe we can’t find out what’s in out once we pass it!)

Our courts now seem to be as confused as our government and White House administration is!

The White House later said the D.C. decision was “undermined” by the Fourth Circuit decision, however, the D.C. court ruling nevertheless strikes at the foundation of the law by challenging subsidies that millions of people obtained through the federally run exchange known as HealthCare.gov. This conflict in rulings will most likely lead to a ‘fast track’ on the issue to the Supreme Court.

Meanwhile, White House Press Secretary, Josh Earnest, states the subsidy payments will continue until the situation is finally resolved and millions of Americans will remain in a confusing ‘Obamacare Limbo’ wondering what they’ll end up paying for ‘affordable health care’.

Thanks to Fox News, you can read more here:  https://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/07/22/federal-appeals-court-invalidates-some-obamacare-subsidies-in-blow-to-health/

To read my previous article concern the DC Court Of Appeals ruling, click here:  https://fggam.org/federal-court-delivers-major-blow-obamacare-subsidies/


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