Barbara Gould:Jamaica Mission Trip


barbaraWe here at FGGAM are so blessed to have Sister Barbara on our Board. She is a bold women of God, pure as snow, a Christian leader not only in New Mexico, but in the World for God. She has taught me much about faith and prayer. A GENERAL REPORT OF THE JAMAICA MISSIONARY TRIP, APRIL 7-14
by Apostle Barbara Gould of Emmanuel Ministries International in Albuquerque/Rio Rancho, NM

Our Missionary Trip to Jamaica was marked by many wonderful acts of the Holy Spirit.
First, the grace of God was upon us to carry us through long and somewhat tedious travel to and from our desti- nations. My part of the journey began on April 5. The first leg, from New Mexico to my Florida destination, was about
12 hours where our team met. The next leg of our journey from the Miami Airport to our place of residence in rural Ja- maica, via the Montego Bay airport, was approximately another 12 hours.

After arriving in Florida on the evening of April 5, we gave praise and thanksgiving to the Lord for making this trip possible. The reason we were elated was because there were so many challenges to even get us to this point. One was ill-health, another was finances and the different locations from which we came.

The following day, Sunday, April 6th, we planned our strategy for our mission assignment. There were still sev- eral items to sort out for distribution, as well as for working with the children and youth and also handouts for those who attended our meetings.

On Monday, April 7, we arrived at our final destination, a little worn out from travel, customs and all our travel- ling entailed.. We definitely had to go to bed directly after dinner so we could be prepared to begin our assignment the following day.

To abbreviate, from Tuesday, 4/8, we rented the venue for meetings, rented chairs,, and from then on we can- vassed the community with flyers, ministered one-on-one as we walked the countryside, cleared barrels of clothing and various supplies from the Jamaican Customs and had two scheduled meetings per day: one from 10:00am to 2:00pm and Revival Services from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. Our daytime services gave us the opportunity to meet and minister to the com- munity and to those who needed individual ministry. In the evenings we had Revival services and in both we saw many come to receive the Lord Jesus Christ, healing and deliverance from oppressive spirits.

The Wednesday evening service stands out as one of our favorites, as eight children/young people responded to the altar call and gave their lives to Jesus Christ. Another favorite was on Saturday’s “Children/Youth Day.” There were about 40 children and some parents who attended and were blessed by the love of God extended to them, both spiritually and naturally. This next favorite was exciting and rewarding as men who had heard the message and had not responded
to he altar call on the previous evenings came forward to receive Christ on our last evening. Glory to God! There were approximately 18 salvations plus healing and deliverance from oppression. We thank God for the Spirit of Revival that
permeated the atmosphere. How do we know there was revival? There was a change in the very countenances of the peo-
ple. The darkness had turned to light; the dead had been resurrected; hope and life had been restored. They were already asking us to return. God is so good and we say Hallelujah!!!

Our return trip home on April 14th was another grueling one as I now had an injury to my knee and with a walk- ing stick and a wheel chair, I (and the team) made my victorious entry into the Miami Airport. On Monday, the 15th, I flew back to Albuquerque.

Wow! It was a short, but glorious missionary assignment and now we proceed to rent the facility where we held
the meetings to establish these lives to be disciples of Jesus Christ under the name of “YESHUA LOVE CENTER.”

I would be remiss if I did not say a special “thank you” to our Administrative Assistant, June Tait, who dili- gently worked to make sure that we were able to accomplish this task while on our assignment. Dear June, you tended the “stuff” and your reward will be equal to ours. God bless and continue to use you.

Please pray with us as we continue to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ here, as well as globally, demonstrating
His love and power to a lost, hurting and dying world, making them disciples of Christ. SHALOM!!!


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