African American Pastors Call for Impeachment of AG Eric Holder due to Lawlessness and Support of Immorality


The Coalition of African American Pastors, a group of  black ministers who fear God and love His Word, say Attorney General Eric Holder ought to be impeached for his stance on gay marriage laws.

“The Attorney General of the United States should be impeached over his repeated lawlessness in attempting to impose same-sex marriage throughout the nation.”

-Rev. Bill Owens, Coalition of African American Pastors (CAAP)

bill_owensThis coalition of African American civil rights leaders and pastors said they will launch a grassroots effort seeking to secure the signatures of one million people calling for Attorney General Eric Holder to be impeached.

The group faulted the entire Obama administration for caving to partisan pressures on the issue — and said the White House has “sold out” American principles for personal agendas — but that going after the president would prove fruitless, The Hill reported. So CAAP members are turning to Mr. Holder instead.

“If Obama was a white man, he would be impeached,” said Rev. William Owens, the group’s founder and president, in The Hill. “Obama has been given a free pass to do what he pleases, but I don’t give him a pass. I’m very black, been black all my life. He doesn’t get a pass. I don’t give him a pass.”

According to the coalition website.

The Coalition of African American Pastors (CAAP) cited numerous instances of Holder attempting to impose same-sex ‘marriage’ throughout the nation despite federal law, rulings by the US Supreme Court, and state constitutional amendments to the contrary.

“The Attorney General of the United States should be impeached over his repeated lawlessness in attempting to impose same-sex marriage throughout the nation,” said Reverend Bill Owens, CAAP Founder and President. “It’s one thing to make a political argument that gay marriage should be the law, but it’s quite another to take actions that ignore federal law, Supreme Court rulings, and the constitutions of dozens of states that have specifically rejected the redefinition of marriage which the administration is trying to impose.”

“As much as President Obama and Attorney General Holder would like it to be otherwise, we live in a democracy—with government of, by, and for the people—not a monarchy ruled by a king issuing decrees from on high,” Reverend Owens continued. “The citizens of several states who have voted overwhelmingly to preserve marriage have had their votes voided and thrown out by radical federal judges; and the Obama administration—in particular the Justice Department—has been shamefully complicit in this attack on the rights of those voters.”

States have historically defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and the majority of states continue to do so. Thirty states have in fact enacted constitutional amendments to this effect. Furthermore, still binding federal law contained in Section II of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) provides that no state shall be required to recognize same-sex ‘marriages’ performed in other states. The US Supreme Court ruled last year in Windsor v. United States that the federal government must respect the role of states to define marriage.

Despite all this, Attorney General Holder has announced that the federal government will treat any ’married’ same-sex couple as legally married even in states that define marriage as solely the union of a man and a woman. Holder has directed the government to extend provisions providing same-sex couples immunity from testifying against a ‘spouse,’ treatment as ‘married’ persons in bankruptcy court, ‘spousal’ visitation rights and compassionate release in the case of federal prison inmates, and federal death benefits. Read more

It is time for American pastors of every race to stand against the lawlessness and immorality of this administration as well as that of the judiciary. The Lord will hold us all accountable for inaction. America is being destroyed by such government sponsored depravity. As the saying goes, “Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.”

Let the record show that the good men of the Coalition of African American Pastors are standing in the gap for the soul of America.


  1. We as citizens have to abide by the laws which are in effect now and not decide. We don’t like them. Therefore we will unilaterally change them

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