When Will The Cold Leave?


As I write this it is 17 below at 8:34 am in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This weekend is the start of the Minnesota Twins Fest. The  festival is to get baseball fans excited for the season. We used to call it the “Hot Stove League” when we would keep the game alive during the winter months. Its 1 above in Denver, 1 above in Chicago where our son Lars goes to school.17 below in Two Harbors, Minnesota, 11 below in my hometown of Windom, Minnesota. When will the cold weather end? My Grandpa Caraway used to say, I take my long johns off on July 4th!!! LOL LOL! Back home humor! I just talked with Shari Hardway Johnson, who blogs for us here at FGGAM, Shari lives in Grantsville, West Virginia and it is just 7 above there. Click here for more on the nationsbuffy cold weather:


Pictured our doggy Buffy during a recent cold front in Albuquerque

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