
By Nicole Richardson Bryan
Never think that God wastes a moment of loneliness or tears cried out in loneliness. It is in those moments of deafening silence that we are most capable of hearing the voice of God. It is in those times when we think we may lose ourselves that we are truly discovering who we really are in Him and what our purpose is. The pain of loneliness is real but the joy of discovery and finding yourself once and for all is priceless in the end. It is in quiet solitude that we find our validation is only necessary from Him and we learn to depend upon Him and Him alone. Don’t run from or despise the lonely times. Embrace it even if you must embrace it in tears for it is making you whole, strong, confident, compassionate, and it is opening your ears and eyes to hear and see clearly. It is molding you into the person He sees and knows you are to become.
Pic cred: Endless Acres Photography

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