Blessings and Learning


Lars ChicagoDear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Thank you for stopping for a CUP!
Praise God! Our love to you all!
Our youngest, Lars sent this to me this morning from Chicago as he was going to school! WOW! Lars took the picture which was created by the greatest artist ever, our God, Amen! It has been very cold in Chicago, no public school on Monday and Tuesday because of the cold, but school’s like Columbia chugged along!It is 21 above in Chicago at 8am their time. High today of 34. We love you Lars and are proud of you. Lars is studying to be a cinematographer. His services are in high demand in the area, he is in an elite class right now. Thank You Lord!
FGGAM Is blessed to share with you that on Sunday we launch ‘The World We Live In” Radio program  at 7:30am on KMIN 980 AM and KMYN FM 96.7. These two stations reach Grants, Gallup, Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Rio Rancho, Belen, Los Lunas, Socorro, Magdalena and much more territory for God’s Glory Alone! We are just super Blessed to share this AWESOME NEWS  with you! Our intention is to also have the streaming audio up by Sunday so you can also listen right here on our web site! We will keep you posted. God has given us the mission to reach the World for Him and we are making progress with our preaching, teaching, our web site continues to grow, now number one Christian News web site in New Mexico. We are reaching the world through our radio program that is available on the internet and at our media center at FGGAM.ORG Our web site is now available in different languages! We here from new folks almost daily on how they are touched by the ministry of FGGAM. We are here to spread the light of Jesus Christ to one person at a time in a time such as this, bringing news and inspiration from our 34 writers through a Biblical lens. For God’s Glory Alone! Please keep us in your prayers! Please stand in the gap with us!
Let me share with you the Obituary of our Dear, Dear Friend and Mentor Pastor Ray Franks, read this and pray over it, pray for Ray’s wife Becky who is struggling. Also we can learn from reading about the life of Ray. Look what this man accomplished for God! We thank God for the life of Ray and how much Ray taught us all on how to walk with Jesus Christ.
Rev. Raymond L. Franks, Jr., founding pastor of Evangel Christian Center, and Senior Pastor for 35 years, completed his journey of life on January 25, 2014, and went to be with his Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Raymond was born to Raymond, Sr., and Mary Franks, on April 25, 1940 in Shamrock, Texas. Both of his parents were ordained ministers, and served over 50 years in ministry, including stateside evangelism, missionary evangelism, and pastoral ministry.
Raymond married I. Huletta Franks on August 6, 1965, in a ceremony at Highland Assembly of God Church, in Albuquerque, NM. They had two children, a son, Brenton, and a daughter, Michon. Huletta was very talented in church music, and the two of them became a team sharing as pastors in both music and the Word of God. Together they pastored in Las Cruces, NM, Grand Junction, CO, and Jal, NM. In 1970 they came to Albuquerque to establish Evangel Christian Center. In 1985, Huletta passed away with cancer. In 1987, God provided another companion when Raymond met Bethal J. Crow. Introduced to her by a minister friend, they married in late 1987. Becky, as she is fondly known, became another asset to church ministry with her outgoing and loving personality, reaching out to everyone in the congregation in sincere Christian love.
Family was always most important to Raymond! Family vacations were a highlight of each year. Holidays were also special times the family got together. After marrying Becky, the families blended with all of the children, spouses, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren coming together to share with each other. He truly loved every member of his family, and was so proud of each of their accomplishments and their dedication to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Raymond was involved in media ministry for many years. In the early 70’s, he hosted a Saturday afternoon Christian music program on KKIM Radio, taking requests from the community, and playing the latest in gospel music. He was the founder of KLYT radio, building the station from the ground up, using used equipment and equipment donated by other broadcasters. The station is now heard through New Mexico and around the world on the Internet, ministering to the youth of this generation.
When cable television came to Albuquerque, he worked with Genco Cable and Albuquerque Cable, programming the religious cable channel for them. From there he obtained a license to build KAZQ, Channel 32 Television, which today reaches nearly all of New Mexico, parts of northeastern Arizona, and southwestern Colorado with family oriented and inspirational programming. When another station became available, KTVS was acquired, and it too provides quality programming for the Albuquerque metro area.
Evangel Christian Center was the primary focus of his 46 years in ministry. In 1970, the church started on the back porch of a rented house, at 8901 Candelaria, NE. The first meeting had 7 people in attendance, and the first offering was given to missions. The church grew rapidly, and acquired property next door. Both a worship and educational center were built on that property. Early on, the church opened a pre-school center, and in 1973 established a Christian School. Today, the school is fully licensed and accredited, taking children at 6 weeks and graduating them from high school. At its first location the church was in 6 building programs. That church sold the location to Sangre de Christo Catholic Community, and they shared use of the facility for 13 months while a new worship center was being built at 4501 Montgomery Blvd. NE. The church continues to be blessed, and has been in 7 major building programs at this location.
In 2006, Raymond turned the reigns of the church to his son, Rev. Brenton D. Franks. The congregation had asked him to become the senior pastor at the retirement of his dad. Rev. Franks was always proud that his congregation would accept his son as their new senior pastor of the church.
Many, many people recognize Pastor Franks from his years on television, both preaching the Word, and hosting the Spectrum program. In January 2013, the program was aired daily, and co-hosted by his daughter-in-law, Ruth Franks. Pastor Franks was known for his passion for preaching the Word, and helping people of all ages. His ministry resulted in a number of young ministers being trained and sent out to pastor other churches. Through education, he has seen second and third generations come and go through the Evangel Christian Academy. For the past 6 years, he was proud to have his daughter, Michon Henegar, serve as the Head Administrator of the school. He was always excited to be used to mentor others, and was especially fond of young people and young ministers.
Reverend Franks was an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God, in Springfield, MO, and a member of the Assemblies of God New Mexico Ministry Network. He worked on many projects with the denomination, serving on the committee which approved new ministers, and was instrumental in helping the denomination build a new convention center in Ruidoso, NM, Cook Canyon Ranch Retreat and Convention Center.
Pastor Franks was preceded in death by his first wife, I. Huletta Franks, his parents, R.L. Franks, Sr., and Mary V. Franks, and his daughter-in-law, Brenda Crow. He is survived by his wife Bethel (Becky) Franks; his son Brenton Franks and his wife Ruth, his daughter Michon Henegar and her husband Mark, his son Randy Crow, and his son Sandy Crow; his brother, Dale Franks; his grandchildren, Dillan, Tyler, Shalyn, Ashley, Brandon, Britnee, Brock, and Keaton; and his great-grandchildren, Daisy, Lainey, Judah, Jeremiah, Brave, and Barrett.
Friends may visit Thursday, January 30, 2014, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at FRENCH – Wyoming. The Celebration of Life service will be held on Friday, January 31, 2014, 1:30 p.m., at Evangel Christian Center, 4501 Montgomery Blvd. NE. Interment will follow at Sunset Memorial Park, 924 Menaul Blvd. NE. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Alpha Omega Broadcasting or Evangel Christian Center, 4501 Montgomery Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109.
Many were touched by yesterdays CUP! For God’s Glory Alone! Our Dear Friend Karen Rowe makes note of yesterdays posting in just a few………
But if you missed it, here it is!
From the book, “The Circle Maker”
“There is a big difference between praying away and praying through. We’re often so anxious to get out of difficult, painful, or challenging situations that we fail to grow through them. We’re so fixated on getting out of them that we don’t get anything out of them. We fail to learn the lessons God is trying to teach us or cultivate the character God is trying to grow in us. We’re so focused on God changing our circumstances that we never allow God to change us! So instead of ten or twenty years of experience, we have one year of experience repeated ten or twenty times. Sometimes we need to pray “get me out” prayers. But sometimes we need to pray “get me through” prayers. And we need the discernment to know when to pray what. If we’re being completely honest, most of our prayers have as their chief objective our own personal comfort rather than God’s glory. We want to pray away every problem, but those shortsighted prayers would short-circuit God’s perfect plan. There are seasons and situations when we need to simply pray through.”
Yesterday I posted on losses and thwarted hopes. A tough pill to swallow for many, me included. I have churned over this all day yesterday and night. I “lost” 3 friends in the last 17 months since starting FGGAM. They never told me why they left our friendship, they never answered my calls or letters. God and Sharon and others told me to let go. I so love people, I am very sensitive. As Barbara Gould says, “Dewey you have the heart of a women.” I am learning to let go. I have a hard time with the “empty nest” syndrome. I encourage you all to communicate with your friends if they upset you, hurt you, communicate, it is biblical to go to the person that offended you. Nothing happens without communication. Forgive.
Let me share with you more of the devotion from Jesus Calling…….by the way I thank my friend Sonja Haldeman for introducing me to the Jesus Calling Devotional.
To live in My presence consistently, you must expose and expel your rebellious tendencies. When something interferes with your plans or desires, you tend to resent the interference. Try to become aware of each resentment, however petty it may seem. Don’t push those unpleasant feelings down; instead, let them come to the surface where you can deal with them. Ask My Spirit to increase your awareness of resentful feelings. Bring them boldly into the Light of My Presence, so that I can free you from them.
The ultimate solution to rebellious tendencies is submission to My authority over you. Intellectually you rejoice in My sovereignty, without which the world would be a terrifying place. But when My sovereign will encroaches on your little domain of control, you often react with telltale resentment.
The best response to losses or thwarted hopes is praise: The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Remember that all good things—-your possessions, your family and friends, your health and abilities, your time—–are gifts from Me. Instead of feeling entitled to all these blessings, respond to them with gratitude. Be prepared to let go of anything I take from you, but never let go of My hand!
Please read Psalm 139: 23-24, 1 Peter 5:6, Job 1:21
Here is Karen’s comments:
Good morning Dewey,
Thank you for this overflowing Cup of Truth!
I plan on sharing a couple of quotes and tagging DDC on FB –as the place to find these great encouragements in the Truth and Much More!
I will say by experience, AMEN!
In every difficult situation, our “trouble” can be looked at as a “burden in the way”; or a “Challenge to grow in!”
With a word change, from “Trouble” we can see that God doesn’t put weights on our head, but rather footstools under our feet! 
In my experience, so many people are tempted to give up too early –right before the breakthrough is seen and experienced!
And we can’t count on all people; because not all have the same vision from God as do we …BUT we can always count on God; and God will put people in our path with the same vision!  We are not alone!!!
Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. 30“For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”  Matthew 11: 28-30
Last night, we were watching a WONDERFUL DVD of THE BIBLE!  I will say finally, because we tried so hard to watch this wonderful and dramatic tale of faith and courage from Genesis through Revelation when it first come out, but last night was the night God picked out for us to see it!
After watching “THE BIBLE”, & reflecting on the difficult times we have gone through –with testimonies & grateful for the breakthroughs,
I realized as I told my husband last night, God never made it easy on anyone in the Bible!
Look Abraham and Sarah –even young Isaac; then Moses, and Jacob, Noah …just to name a few that were leading up to the incredible Ministry of Jesus!  These calls from God were not easy on anyone; but look how purposeful each ministry was!
Where would we be without their faith?  Where would we be without Jesus!
My confidence is in Jesus and we are each given a ministry!  College Education is not easy either –we have to take what I have always called “weeder coarses” to see how bad we actually want the degree in education (our set goal); and how much we are willing to endure for the result!  What I am saying, is that many times in life we can’t understand why we have to do certain things or go through certain trials, but there is a purpose by God … just as there is a purpose set in college degree curriculums; the only difference is our set goal focus is on God and continuing the ministry of Jesus … God should be in everything we do!  I could say a lot about that, but …
God is not trying to make our lives hard –we are spoiled rotten by God’s grace and Mercy!  God is teaching us freedom from bondages that yoke our neck and yank us to and fro like waves tossing in the ocean!
God is showing us we can Trust HIM –but HE is also testing us to see how much we love and respect God!
What is our limit and stop point?  That is a hard question to ask, but God will take us there!!!
But God NEVER takes us to a PLACE that HE does not go with us!  In fact, I notice, God goes BEFORE us when our heart submits to trusting God’s reasoning by FAITH –not needing to know why, but just trusting God will bring us through on a higher level of understanding and knowledge of WHOM God IS!
I pray this is a blessing!
Blessings to you of Grace and Peace!  We serve an awesome God!  May the Peace of the Lord be with you!
Love in Christ,
Karen Rowe
Hope in Today Ministries
“The Train Whistle, Sounding the Call of God’s Love”   J  Just a thought that occurred to me, I took out so much of that book before publishing –maybe I should have left in the part about feeling like “buzzards were circling over my head” as I knew I had to do that book alone, but God WAS with me –and God was teaching me!  Those “out of the blue moments” you just described –Yes, I have had many God moments of encouragement in my weakest moments!  Small words that reminded me to Press on for the glory of God –a song come on the radio at a very opportune moment and chose to believe in HOPE that it would be finished:  “I refuse to sit around and wait on someone else to do what God has called me to do myself!”  from K-Love J  Just thought I’d share and Glad I pressed on!
Jesus makes me smile J  God loves us so MUCH!  Will you join me in helping me Praise the Lord!
Thank you for the wonderful words Karen! God Bless you ad yours forever and ever!
Sandi B sent this in! Thank you Sandi!!!!! Great Stuff! Praise God!
The Truth About the Bible:

I thought this was so interesting, I had to pass it along.
Is the Bible the Inspired Word of God?  By Jason Carlson and Ron Carlson, 5/25/11

During a question and answer session at a recent speaking engagement, a university student asked me, “Why do you believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God?”

Now this is a very interesting question, and probably one of the most important questions any Christian could ask themselves.  What is so special, so unique about the Bible that Christians believe it is literally the inspired word of God?

In answering this student’s question, I encouraged him to consider the following facts about the Bible.  First, the Bible is not just one single book.  This is a more common misconception than many people realize, especially with people who do not come from a Judeo-Christian background. Rather than being a single book, the Bible is actually a collection of 66 books, which is called the canon of scriptures.  These 66 books contain a variety of genres:  history, poetry, prophecy, wisdom literature, letters, and apocalyptic, just to name a few.

Second, these 66 books were written by 40 different authors.  These authors came from a variety of backgrounds: shepherds, fishermen, doctors, kings, prophets, and others.  And most of these authors never knew one another personally.

Third, these 66 books were written over a period of 1,500 years.  Yet again, this is another reminder that many of these authors never knew or collaborated with one another in writing these books.

Fourth, the 66 books of the Bible were written in 3 different languages. In the Bible we have books that were written in the ancient languages of Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic; a reflection of the historical and cultural circumstances in which each of these books were written.

And finally, these 66 books were written on 3 different continents: Africa , Asia , and Europe. Once again, this is a testament to the varied historical and cultural circumstances of God’s people.

Think about the above realities:  66 books, written by 40 different authors, over 1,500 years, in 3 different languages, on 3 different continents.  What’s more, this collection of books shares a common storyline – the creation, fall, and redemption of God’s people; a common theme – God’s universal love for all of humanity; and a common message -salvation is available to all who repent of their sins and commit to following God with all of their heart, soul, mind and strength.

In addition to sharing these commonalities, these 66 books contain no historical errors or contradictions.  God’s word truly is an amazing collection of writings!

After I had shared the above facts with this student, I offered him the following challenge.  “If you do not believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, or if you do not believe that the Bible is of a supernatural origin, then I challenge you to a test. I challenge you togo to any library in the world (you can choose any library you like), and find 66 books which match the characteristics of the 66 books in the Bible.  You must choose 66 books, written by 40 different authors, over 1,500 years, in 3 different languages, written on 3 different continents. However, they must share a common storyline, a common theme, and a common message, with no historical errors or contradictions.”  I went on to say, “If you can produce such a collection of books, I will admit that the Bible is not the inspired word of God.”

The student’s reply was almost instantaneous, he emphatically stated, “But that’s impossible!”

It truly is impossible, for any collection of human writings.  However, the Bible passes this test.  The Bible contains 66 books, written by 40 different authors, over 1,500 years, in 3 different languages, on 3 different continents, with no historical errors or contradictions.  The entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, bears the mark of Divine inspiration.

The next time you encounter someone who asks you why you believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, try sharing this challenge with them. Better yet, don’t wait until you’re asked, just go ahead and share this challenge with a friend today.  You don’t even have to mention the Bible up front, just ask them if they think it would be realistic to assemblesuch a collection of books.  After they say, “But that’s impossible!” you’ve got a ready-made opportunity for sharing the truth of God’s word with somebody!

In God We Trust.

Amen! America, Bless God!
For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Paul, Jo, FGGAM Board, and families.

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