MSNBC Host Apologizes for Mocking of Romney’s Black Grandchild


romney-2013-christmas-photoMelissa Harris-Perry, the MSNBC host known for her over the top leftist/progressive statements, issued an apology to former governor and presidential hopeful Mitt Romney after a panel on her show mocked the fact that one of Mitt Romney’s grandchildren is black.

On Sunday’s “Melissa Harris-Perry” show, Harris-Perry led a panel in discussing the “Photos of the Year,” which included a Romney family Christmas photo. In the photo, Romney is seen holding his adopted grandchild, Kieran, who is black.

The Romney family Christmas card was among the items featured in the “Nerdland plays Caption That!” segment on the cable news show Sunday.

In the photo, the former Republican presidential candidate and his wife Ann, who are both white, sit in the center of their 22 grandchildren. Nestled on Mitt’s knee is one toddler grandson and on his other knee he holds baby Kieran James, the adopted infant son of Mitt’s son, Ben, and his wife, Andelyne. His adoption was announced in September.

The Romneys, who are devout Mormons, have regularly showcased their five adult sons and their ever-growing brood.
After the image flashed on the screen during the show, actress Pia Glenn broke out in song, singing, “One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just isn’t the same.”

“That little baby, front and center, would be the one,” said Glenn, who was among the four panel members who joined Harris-Perry for the segment.

For her part, Harris-Perry imagined Kieran Romney and North West, the daughter of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, marrying in the future.

On Tuesday Harris-Perry issued, via Twitter, an apology for the segment to the Romney family. She made mention of her mixed family background in her apology.

Here is a screen shot of her remarks on Twitter.

Harris-Perry Twitter apology


  1. She needs not to just apologize; she needs to do an entire show dedicated to nothing more than promoting adoption vs. abortion, transracial or not!!! In fact, with her personal background, she should also promote such transracial adoptions in that show!!!

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