Italian Court Overturns Pedophile Conviction Because 11 year Old ‘in Love’


Morality without the mooring of scripture is a slippery slop at best. It has been argued by many Christians including myself, that same sex marriage is only the beginning. Other sexual immorality will surely follow.

We are already seeing polygamy being ruled legal in certain cases in Utah. Judges are ruling in favor of historically perverse behavior. The following story involves the Italian supreme court but keep in mind that many justices see international decisions as having precedence in American law.

Italy’s highest court has overturned the conviction of a 60-year-old man for having sex with an 11-year-old girl, because the verdict failed to take into account their “amorous relationship”.

Pietro Lamberti, a social services worker in Catanzaro in southern Italy, was convicted in February 2011 and sentenced to five years in prison for sexual acts with a minor.

The verdict was later upheld by an appeals court.

But Italy’s supreme court ruled that the verdict did not sufficiently consider “the ‘consensus’, the existence of an amorous relationship, the absence of physical force, the girl’s feelings of love”.

We should not brush this story off as an Italian story. The same argument is being made in America among those hoping to change the cultural mindset.

Among the “progressives”, the name Harvey Milk is venerated. Harvey Milk was an American politician who became the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in California when he won a seat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

Milk was an early proponent of gay rights and was responsible for the normalization of same sex relationships. He was also an unrepentant pedophile. He had known relationships with young boys of 16 or younger.

We should understand that this is the next step for the progressive, removing the stigma of underage sexual relationships if the youths express consent and feelings of love.


  1. I know children, not of a legal age to make such decisions, nor the moral experience, who love animals? (I’ll leave that one at that for I wish not to fill in the blanks here.) A ‘slippery slope’ doesn’t begin to describe what mankind has placed in motion in direct violation of God’s Word! Scary, Scary, Scary. Sodom & Gomorrah revisited!

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