Are you ready?

are you ready 2Dear family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

1 Corinthians 16:13

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
We are ready to serve the Lord! 
Are you ready?

We had such a Merry Christmas! WOW! The best ever in our Lord Jesus Christ!!! Amen!!!!
We had 10 of us this year home for Christmas!  Thank you LORD!!!
It recharged our batteries…me and Sharon’s LOL LOL!
The kid’s start leaving for their homes today! Please pray for them in their travels.
We are praying for our doggy Reno as he had a biopsy on Tuesday. Please pray, no cancer!
Today we have a Special Edition of “The World We Live In” at 12:05pm on KDAZ AM730! Please join myself and FGGAM News reporter Rick Stambaugh today. Rick is filling in for Pastor Paul Holt who is flying to Ohio to be with family. I will be filling in for Pastor Paul on Sunday at the Baptist Church in Magdalena. Remember that you can listen to KDAZ at our web site FGGAM.ORG You can also catch GLORY RADIO also with the best Christian music! So as you read the news you need to know and your daily inspiration at FGGAM you can listen to KDAZ or GLORY RADIO!!!!
It is a blessing to have Stephen Young of Stephen’s Gate Ministries with us again this morning! Stephen is an answer to prayer that is for sure!!! We have been praying for not just one Timothy, but several! The Lord has given us Rick Stambaugh and now Stephen Young to become part of FGGAM! PRAISE GOD!
Here is what Pastor Don Kimbro of Nuggets of Truth on KKIM Radio said about Stephen’s post yesterday: Good word from Stephen this morning. Merry Christmas to you Dewey and Sharon. You are doing a great work. We love you.

Don and Dorothy.
We love you so much Don and Dorothy!
Here is another good word from Pastor Stephen of FGGAM:
Habakkuk 2:2-3: The Lord gave me this answer: “Write down clearly on tablets what I reveal to you, so that it can be read at a glance. 3 Put it in writing, because it is not yet time for it to come true. But the time is coming quickly, and what I show you will come true. It may seem slow in coming, but wait for it; it will certainly take place, and it will not be delayed.”
Good Morning!  It is my pleasure to be filling in for Pastor Dewey again today.  As I thought about what to write that would bring encouragement to you today and help you through your day I felt to write a little about the word the Lord has given me for 2014.  I will also be sharing this on my Stephen’s Gate page before the new year and expect that the Lord will give me more between now and then so be sure to check it out.
I’m sure many of you can relate to years that were breakthrough years, preparation years, or years of just resting.  What the Lord has shared with me is that 2014 is the year to break out! Many of you have prepared for years, you’ve had breakthroughs and you’ve had rest, now it’s time to break out and do what you’ve been preparing for.  If we base our callings and Godly assignments on the Scripture above it tells us to write down clearly what the Lord tells us so that it can be read at a glance.  Some other translations say, “So that a runner can carry the correct message to others.”  In other words, whatever God is calling you to, make it clear to others that wish to support you.  If you make your vision clear you will find that others come along to support and help you achieve what God has called you to.
There are also many of you reading this that can relate to verse 3.  You have had a vision that you have written down and at the time you wrote it down it wasn’t time for it to come true.  That’s why it’s important to write it down so you don’t lose sight of the vision.  It may seem slowing coming, but wait for it, it will certainly take place, and it will not be delayed.  You may find yourself in that place where you can tell you are on the verge of some things coming to pass in your life.  If that’s you, I believe 2014 is your year.  It’s going to be a year of joy, a year to break out!  You’ve prepared, you’ve written down your vision, you’ve made plans for years, now it’s implementation time.
I hope this word encourages you today.  Maybe you’ve written down your vision years ago but you’ve forgotten about it.  It’s not too late, go dust it back off and get ready.  2014 is your year to break out!
I want to leave you with a word the Lord gave my wife about one month ago, similar to the word I left you with yesterday that she wrote but it is different.  Take a look at it and be blessed!
“I declare as we bring in 2014.  A New fresh breath of God, a refreshing for the weary, prosperity like never before, a time of getting things done with less effort, hearts are no longer offended but free to love and give love.  A year of Gods Kindness and Grace!!!!  Embrace the New and do not mourn the old, GREAT JOY is on its way, stop trying to fit the old into the new, stop fighting it. Behold, I am doing a New thing, don’t you see it?”

Steve Young
Phone: 207-227-8927

I want to share with you the words Pastor Stephen spoke over FGGAM:
Hi Dewey,
What I initially heard the Lord say to me concerning you and your ministry a few days ago was very simple, you’re going to find yourself in very high demand in 2014.  I would like to expand on that some more.  The Lord has given me a prophetic gift which a lot of Christians can be very skeptical about.  However, the prophetic is nothing to be nervous or skeptical about.  It’s not weird, it’s not mystical, it’s simply God speaking through one person to another.  Sometimes our own minds can get clouded and we don’t hear God clearly and it takes God speaking through someone else.  Sometimes we hear perfectly clear but we need confirmation and affirmation and God sometimes uses others by speaking a word through them for someone else.
As I was in prayer tonight this is what the Lord shared with me concerning you and FGGAM. “The Lord says 2014 is going to be a year of high demand.  I’m going to pull you out from behind the curtain and expose you to a world that needs Me.  I am in search of men and women of God who will be witnesses for me.  Who will preach the love and grace of God.  I need ministries that will reach out to a hurting and dying world.  So I am removing the curtain that has kept you hidden in certain parts of this nation and this world.  Your territory is going to expand. You’re going to find more and more people coming in contact with this ministry.  Some people will reach out because they are hurting, some will reach out because they want to connect their ministry with yours.  The Lord says I’m going to use your ministry as a networking hub where other ministries can connect and as they do it will connect their ministries to other parts of the world.  I’m going to use you to father many for there are many hurting that need a spiritual dad and I have called you to be that dad.  You ask, “Why did you choose me, Lord?”  I chose you because your heart is and has always been to do nothing but My will.  Now, 2014 is time to start reaping the rewards of your obedience, integrity, and hard work.  Just as you will become in high demand to others I also am going to ask more of you.  What you are stepping into is going to require you to spend more time with me.  You need to seek my face like never before.  As you seek my face I will release strategy for your ministry, I will release strength and power and peace like you’ve never experienced.  Set aside the month of January as a time to seek my face and hear the strategy I have for you and your ministry.  You have sowed and sowed and sowed and now it’s time to reap, reap, reap.  2014 is your year to become noticed.  By the end of the year For God’s Glory Alone Ministries will be a ministry known across this nation, says the Lord.”
Now you can see why I am so thankful for Christmas Day and how the Lord recharged our batteries! He is preparing us! Several people are sharing with us that God is showing them that FGGAM is going to be in HIGH DEMAND in 2014. This is the same kind of activity and messages we received when FGGAM was formed. So we are alert at all times to hear from the Lord and on what next  step’s are to be, and we will not move until He says to speak or act.  Amen! 
Interesting this time that I have YOUNG PEOPLE, speaking words of life into FGGAM, people in their late 20’s and 30’s!!! God has sent young people to speak words into me! 
Very interesting dynamics!!!!!!
Are you prepared to hear from the Lord this day?
Let us continue to pray for our Dear friend, Pastor Ray Franks. His son Brenton posted yesterday that Ray was to undergo a procedure, but I have not heard anything else. We pray for the Lord’s Will to be done, as Ray taught me, Amen! We love you so Ray!
For God’s Glory alone in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ!!!
Visit us today!

If you would like to support the much needed work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries, Dewey Moede, and Dewey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a financial gift.  You can securely give by clicking on this link- then scroll down the page to securely give through PayPal. Be assured my friends, your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede


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