Day Four of Prayer and Action in New Mexico

A Week of Prayer and Action:
Our values are under attack: traditional marriage, life and our religious liberties are on the line.

With so much going on, we will be having a special event this week with prayers and calls to action sent each day to your inbox.
A Person Without a Voice

Every child from the moment of conception possesses all the genetic material he or she will ever have.  This creation is unique in all the universe, and there has not been, nor will there ever be, another one exactly like it.  The fertilized egg has the DNA make-up and the chromosomes every other human possesses, and the gender is determined – a human being is present.  Many pro-choice advocates now admit this, but argue that the “womb contents” while human are not a “person.”



Science has demonstrated that a baby in the womb can feel pain no later than 20 weeks after conception (5 months).  This means that late term abortions (after 5 months pregnancy) cruelly, and in an intensely painful way, dismembers or otherwise destroys the child in the womb. Don’t we measure the greatness of a society by the way it treats its weakest members?

“180” Movie




Your vote is important.  Help protect innocent life by voting in Albuquerque’s Special Election for the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance.”

VOTE EARLY: Beginning this week you can Vote Early in Albuquerque’s special election.  For information on early voting and voting locations, click here .

VOTE ABSENTEE: Get more information on the November 19th election and download the form to apply for an absentee ballot  here.
A Prayer for Today


Help us as we continue to protect Life and traditional values in New Mexico.  Donate online here, or send your check to:

Traditional Values Advocacy Committee
P.O. Box 1366
Flora Vista, New Mexico 87415
Traditional Values Advocacy Committee
P.O. Box 1366
Flora Vista, New Mexico 87415

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