Proposal would ban protests at homes in Bernalillo County


prayeringDan McKay of the Albuquerque Journal is reporting this morning that County  Commissioners Hart Stebbins and Debbie O’Malley plan to purpose an ordinance that would ban picketing outside a person’s home, matching a rule already in place within the Albuquerque City limits. This comes on the heels of an anti-abortion protest outside of the home of a Doctor in the North Valley, that turned heated.

KOB TV in Albuquerque reports that Midwives, doctors, mothers and members of the Jewish community gathered downtown Tuesday to protest a pro-life campaign that calls abortion the “Holocaust in Albuquerque.”

Operation Rescue advocates recently assembled outside the Holocaust Museum in downtown Albuquerque with signs reading, “ABQ: America’s Aushwitz” and comparing late-term abortion to the genocide of millions of Jews during World War II.

Doctors and advocates also told KOB Eyewitness News 4 they were getting threats from pro-life groups trying to stop late-term abortion in the city

Yesterday I was on KDAZ AM730 with Dan and Birga talking about all this. We must not split the community of God. We must come together for our Lord. We do this in peace. We show love to our Jewish brothers and Sisters who are my friends, I play with them in our Church softball league, I love them. We pray together after our games.  We go about this in peace. We also posted a blog by Birga, read it here:

Also here are some comments on Birga’s post by my Brother and Partner here at FGGAM Pastor Paul Holt:

Thank you for your thoughts. The Lord gives us various talents, abilities and personalities to accomplish His purposes. Your point is to continue to stand for the unborn, but to do it in the most Christ-like manner available to us.

The same Jesus who taught us that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church is the One who taught us that to live by the sword is to die by the sword. The US constitution imparts the right to peacefully assemble and speak freely in the public arena.

Christians should not employ the tactics of the enemy. We should avoid taking the battle to private homes, keeping the protests on public property.

We actually have better and more effective tools in our arsenal. Take the current petition drive that is being squashed by city clerk Amy Bailey. Should we not flood her office with calls to get her act together and allow the people to vote on the future of abortion in Albuquerque?

I appreciate Birga’s reminder to oppose the enemy the Lord’s way, peacefully, lawfully and lovingly.
Never backing down from the fight, but also avoiding the enemy’s tactics.

Thank you Brother Paul.

Let us continue to pray God’s peace and wisdom over this situation.

We pray for the end of abortion.

We must not show an unbelieving world what it wants to see from Christians.

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