Is Same Sex Marriage Now Legal in New Mexico? Some Think it is


Radio hall of fame great, Frank Haley just forwarded to me an email from Progress Now New Mexico. Progressive (read regressive) politicians are seeking an end run around New Mexico law with the goal of destroying what little remains of morality in New Mexico. The battle is on once again. It is now up to New Mexicans to stand for what is good and right.


What could be bigger gay news than Hillary coming out for marriage, formerly anti-gay Sen. Rob Portman “evolving” to support marriage for his gay son, or new polling showing 58% of Americans supporting marriage?

How about New Mexico legalizing marriage equality?

The City of Santa Fe thinks it already is legal and they are about to make it official.

This morning we joined Mayor Coss and Councilor Bushee to announce that they are sponsoring an official resolution “recognizing that same-sex marriage is legal in New Mexico and encouraging New Mexico’s county clerks to issue licenses to same-sex couples.
That’s a big deal and here’s how it works:

Santa Fe’s City Attorney Geno Zamora dug into the law and found that:

  • New Mexico’s laws do not define marriage as between a man and a woman, the definitions are gender-neutral,
  • A statutory list of prohibited marriages does not list same-sex couples;
  • Same-sex marriages from other states are already recognized by New Mexico law;
  • To discriminate against same-sex couples would violate the New Mexico Constitution which requires equality under the law regardless of sex.

His legal memo is the basis of the resolution.

The city says the resolution provides the legal justification for county clerks to issue marriage licenses to loving, committed couples and tells couples how to file suit if they are denied.

The resolution will be introduced next week, just as the Supreme Court takes up arguments on gay marriage and DOMA.

After waiting too long for New Mexico’s legislature to do the right thing, others are stepping up and it’s time we support them.

Take a minute to read the city resolution, then express your support by signing on as a citizen co-sponsor!   We’ll deliver the list of co-sponsors to the city council for the vote and you’ll want your name on it.




Resolution outlining a legal case for same-sex marriage in NM by ProgressNowNM