2 Years Ago….My Final Days at KKIM, Then I Walked Through The Open Door…


Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

How are you this day?

God Bless you all! Thanks for stopping by for a CUP!

We are celebrating 2 years here at FGGAM on Sept. 1st.

Sharon and I watched the movie, “God is not Dead” last night, WOW! So AWESOME! It showed us again why God has placed us here at FGGAM! Just WOW! We are in continued AWE of our God! And all the people said, AMEN!

Let us all stand in the gap for God! Like this story I reported on today at FGGAM.ORG and on an interview with Dan Rosecrans of KDAZ AM730 this morning……..

Heroin, Mexican Drug Cartel, APD Understaffed, Where is King And Martinez?

Did you miss our radio program from yesterday?

The World We Live In Radio Podcast 8-18-14 with Pastors Dewey Moede & Paul Holt

As Paul Holt said to me yesterday No one else gives you the news like FGGAM, the truth you need to know!

Are you living in your season, or God’s season for you?

Break every chain!

And all the people said, AMEN!

I dug back and found these two CUPS from 2 years ago as I finished up at KKIM radio and we entered through the open door of FGGAM………….the open door……Revelation 3:8

“‘I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.

Here are two CUPS from Agust 2012 I would like to share with you……..as the new door was opened  For God’s Glory Alone Ministries……..open-door

For (the proclaiming of) this (Gospel) I was appointed a herald (preacher) and an apostle (special messenger and a teacher of the Gentiles. 2 Tim 1:11 That is the scripture the Lord gave me this day. AMEN! It so fits my life, these are the words the Lord has given me! AMEN!

I talked with Sam and she believes the surgery on her neck was a success but she is in extreme pain. Please keep her in your prayers! I will check in with her before the week is up.

We have this prayer need from our Friend Nicole,

Good morning Dewey and all,
Have been reading the cup each day, just really had no reason to respond and feeling good about what I was reading and doing.

Today is a day that I felt the need to write as I woke up with a heavy heart. Yesterday we got a call from my Sister (we married brother’s so have the same in laws) she told us that our brother in law (63) (my husbands sisters husband) was driving home from LA on the 405 and had a massive heart attack and died. He must have felt it coming on as he was able to pull off and saved many lives. Just saw him last Friday at another family funeral. He looked tired but ok. They lost their son 6 years ago to a massive heart attack at the age of 19 on Fathers day. My sister in law needs your prayers.
We are all in shock and my grandaughter says she dosen’t understand why God takes the people closest to you and why it had to be Bianca. I told her, it’s part of the plan and I don’t know why, it will be revealed.

So Dewey, I’m not asking for myself, please ask your followers to pray for Bianca and Tasia. They need all the strength and courage they can get.
I continue to read daily and know that your words are read by so many. You have impacted many lives through your word of God, thank you for that.

God Bless you all,

We are praying for all Nicole, God Bless you all. I know you and Sam are Dear friends, have you seen her? Let us know. Love of Jesus to you all!

Tuesday night I spent some time at the VA Hospital praying for folks. One of those I prayed for and anointed with oil, is Doug who had surgery yesterday to put in a pacemaker and the hand of God guided the surgeons to a successful surgery! We have Veterans come from all over Texas to the VA here in Albuquerque. As I mentioned in the CUP earlier this week we all need to visit a Hospital, Nursing home at least once a month……it will make you think and see what is important. What is important, is our relationship with Jesus Christ and family.

I talked to a Father yesterday about the drug problem in New Mexico. It is a growing problem. His son became addicted to heroin and his son’s friend died of an overdose. Addiction to pain killers is a huge problem also in our state and Country. I bring this up to stress to us all that as this Father said, Drug addicts are not bad people….just like alcoholics…….or whatever addiction people have…….they have an addiction and it is our responsibility to show the love of Jesus Christ. Remember a few weeks ago when I shared about visiting the young lady at the Nursing home in Santa Fe that suffered a heroin overdose and suffered brain damaged, she got tied up with the wrong people. I bring this up to point out we must not take a blind eye to the drug problem, we must be a support to the individuals and their families. Many of these people are just children! Let us the Body of Christ pay attention to what is going on around us and always share the love of Jesus. Many Parents and Grandparents have been so hurt by this problem. Let us not throw the towel in on these people of God, Jesus does not.

This father and Mother of the boy addicted to heroin have stood by their son, held him while he would vomit, shake, want to escape. They did not ship him off to a drug rehab center, they stood right there 24/7, and today their son has a job and is clean!

This of course has had a huge impact on the family and how they look at life. God has restored their son! But it took a Mom and Dad to stick with their son! God and Family is our priority.

I had a man tell me yesterday, “Until I get a pile of gold…………” he is waiting to strike it rich……he at this point does not find his riches in God.

I witnessed to this man.

I have much on my heart this morning. As we launch For God’s Glory Alone Ministries I share with you I have been told by God to meet people where they are at, meeting the needs of people one by one. Sharing the Love of Jesus Christ.

Jesus walked as he met people one by one………..I intend to walk, drive, plane, to go where God sends me in this last part of my life. I am in the 4th Qt. of my life here on earth, I am not into the number of people I reach, I am told by God not to pay attention to the numbers, but to the individual need.

I have not asked for much in the 14 years here at the CUP, but as I enter this part of my life with Sharon, we need your prayers and financial support. I have been told by my Mentor’s not to be bashful about asking for support, so that is what I am trying to do. I am leaving my position at KKIM as of Wed. next week and blasting off into full time Ministry. We need support for the Web site, paying folks like myself , Jannetta our web master, and we need an office coordinator, paying for media costs, etc………Please visit us atwww.fggam.org and you can find out more about us and some people have written letters about what we are doing. Thank you and God Bless you and yours.

God does not order anything He has not paid for.

The vision God has given me is that Sharon and I our Missionaries for Him. AMEN! hallelujah!! PTL PTL.


My Last day At KKIM 2 years ago…………..

Dear Family of Jesus,

Thank you so much for stopping by for a CUP!

God Bless you all!


Mark 16:15 

And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.


Exodus 4:10-12 

But Moses said to the Lord, “Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and of tongue.” Then the Lord said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak.”


2 Timothy 2:15 

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.


2 Timothy 3:16 

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,


1 Corinthians 1:21 

For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, it pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who believe.


1 Corinthians 2:13 

And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual.


Very emotional day yesterday with my last NM News and Views program and today is my last day at KKIM. Thank you for your prayers and support as we launch For God’s Glory Alone Ministries. Find us at www.fggam.org you will get all the details there. We also now post the CUP there, our TV program and other goodies!

I am getting asked a lot of questions as to what I am going to do…..a lot of questions….Sharon and are following the path the Lord has us going down, He has gone before us and paved the road for the start of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries. God has called us out to Preach and serve His people, we are like missionaries, we will go anywhere for our Lord. It is the call of God. I believe God is calling you out as well to be more bold in your faith during these days, to share it with many, to serve others!

If I Preach God’s Word I must do what it says! To many Preach the Word but do not act! You and I must do what God says in our lives! You are only going to know that however with a close relationship with Jesus Christ. How close are you to Jesus? Do you hear Him? If not I will help you.

Lot’s of questions for me what are you going to do? What’s next? How you going to make a living? Many are very concerned for Sharon and I. It all comes down to listening to our Lord and being obedient.

Let me share this write up I found…………

The Ten Basic Steps: Lesson 1: Obedience – The Key to Knowing God’s Will

Objective: To desire to follow God’s will above all else.

Read: Romans 1 & 2

Memorize: John 14:21
1. Disobedience of King Saul
2. Obedience of Paul
3. Obedience of Anannias
4. Life Application
Have you ever wondered what God’s will is for your life? Have you needed to make a difficult decision and wondered what God wanted you to do in that situation?
We all struggle with questions about our future. Questions like: How can I know God’s plan for my life? Which job should I take? Is this the person God wants me to marry? Is this a good investment to make? Should I share the gospel with my boss? You probably have questions you could add to that list.
The greatest discovery I have ever made concerning how to know the will of God involves the following:

  • Fully surrendering my life to the Lordship of Christ
  • Living a life of obedience in the power of the Holy Spirit
  • Maintaining my first love for our Lord

Many Christians are trying so hard to discover the will of God that they lose the joy of the Lord and leave their first love for Him.
But all we need to do is abide in Christ, maintain our first love for Him, and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, and we will be in the will of God. So as you continue to walk in the Spirit, He will guide you in making the most important decisions of life. He will also guide you in the daily, moment-by-moment decisions and actions of your life.
Speaking of the Holy Spirit, Jesus says, “When he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth…and he will tell you what is yet to come” (John 16:13). So the key to knowing God’s will is to be obedient to the guidance of the Holy Spirit of truth. If you are willing to trust and obey God and live a holy life, God will reveal Himself to you and direct your steps as a way of life.
Satan is the enemy of our soul. His mission is to keep us from being effective and fruitful in our witness. But although he wields great power, Satan can never defeat us if we are completely yielded and obedient to Christ
Some people are reluctant to trust God completely with their lives, fearing that He may want to make a change in their plans. Yes, He will change our plans. His plans are infinitely better than the very best we could ever conceive.
Is it not logical that the One who created us knows better than we the purpose for which we were created? And since He loves us enough to die for us, is it not logical to believe that His way is best (Romans 8:32)?
Obedience is the true test of our love for Christ and the secret to discovering God’s will for our life.

WOW WEE! Great write up! AMEN!



We would love to hear your thoughts on how FGGAM has touched your life. As we celebrate 2 years of service to our Lord we have asked friends to share the love and glory of our God! Salt and Light
Matthew 5: 14-16…14″You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; 15nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16″Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.Dewey Moede with Barbara GouldPicture of Barbara Gould with me on a past FGGAM TV program.


I would like to commend our beloved Pastor Dewey Moede for his heart of obedience to His Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and also for the love He has for people.

Because of His consistent obedience to God and his consistent love for people, the ministry FGGAM has flourished under his leadership.

As one of Dewey’s board members, I want to sincerely congratulate Dewey for the miraculous growth of FGGAM. In only two years we have seen the exceptional growth and excellence that has brought glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ, and healing and encouragement to many broken lives.

Go on, Dewey. Your Lord is pleased. The challenges have come, but you have stood. I have great confidence in knowing that the God who has carried you these two years will continue to carry you to the end. His Name be glorified.


Apostle Barbara Gould

EMMANUEL Ministries International in Albuquerque/Rio Rancho, New Mexico

Thank you Barbara for serving on the FGGAM Board, we love you!

Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. Proverbs 16:24 Please also read today: Deu 34:28, Proverbs 15:23, Eph 4:29

Let us speak the life of Jesus Christ into each other, Amen!

We have asked people like you to share on how FGGAM has touched your life, for God’s Glory Alone! To hold each other up and show the world the greatness of God and what He is doing in our world. If you would like to share, please email us, we would be thankful! Today we here from Stephen from Buford, Georgia! We are so blessed to have friends all over the world! Amen!

As I think about FGGAM and that it is reaching its 2 year anniversary, I think about the great blessing and the lives that are being reached. I came on the scene with Dewey just under a year ago and he has truly been a blessing in the life of Kristen and me. We got to know Dewey as we were transitioning from Maine to Georgia and Dewey was a huge encourager to us during that time. He prayed for us, encouraged us, and pushed us to continue to move forward. Being a Pastor I and stepping out of the ministry in order to make this transition to Georgia, Dewey and FGGAM became my “congregation.” Not in the sense that I was pastoring these people but it gave me an audience of people that I could write to on a weekly basis and encourage to keep fighting through the hard times in their lives and have faith that, with God, they can make it through anything. Pastor Dewey and FGGAM have given me that avenue to use the gift of writing to reach people all over this nation and around the world. For that, I will be forever grateful to this ministry.
What I appreciate most about FGGAM is that all of the writers are writers that encourage. You won’t read an article that beats anyone up or puts anyone down. What you will find is people that sincerely desire to see each and every person that reads these writings walk in freedom and see deliverance in their life.
It hasn’t always been easy for this ministry as they have faced challenges like any ministry faces. The struggles, however, is not what I want to focus on. I want to focus on the fact that FGGAM is a growing ministry and two years into it, this is just the beginning. I can see a day coming when God uses this ministry to come alongside of struggling ministries to help them thrive. God is going to use FGGAM ministries to impact the world and the reason is simply in the name, For God’s Glory Alone. If you truly know Dewey, you know that his heart is to be sure that everything that’s done is for the glory of God, and because of that this ministry is blessed and everything that has been accomplished over the first two years is just the beginning.
Pastor Dewey, get ready to run like you’ve never run before, get ready to be blessed like you’ve never been blessed before, and get ready to be more impactful and effective than you’ve ever been. As you celebrate two years and begin the third, know that this year will be your best one yet and at the end of it, you will look back and be amazed at how far For God’s Glory Alone Ministries has come.
Thank you FGGAM for allowing me to be a part and being such a blessing in my life!

Stephen Young in Buford, Georgia

Thank you for sharing Stephen. We love you and Kirsten and the kid’s so much!

Stephen and Kirsten are two of our 35 volunteer writers here at FGGAM!  We praise God for all! Thank You Lord for what you are doing here at FGGAM!

You can read Stephen’s latest post here:


stephen 1

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