We serve an AWESOME GOD!


awesomeGodDear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,



All our fret and worry is caused by calculating without God. ~Oswald Chambers
The Lord got me up this morning and had me post this, also thanks to Men of Integrity and Mark Mittelberg.

The Word of the Day: What about Hypocrisy?

“There would be no hypocrites if there were no genuine Christians. No one would try to forge bank notes if there were no genuine ones.” British Preacher and one of the greatest teachers of the Gospel, Charles Spurgeon
Please be in prayer as you soak this in…………
When people express anger at hypocrisy, they are in good company—-Jesus directed some of his harshest words at the hypocrisy of the religious leaders of His day. At least on this subject, our friends and God are actually on the same side.
Jesus alone was free from sin; therefore, He is the only person who is also completely free from hypocrisy. He will never disappoint those who put their trust in Him.
Many hypocrites are only pretending to be Christians. That said, however, hypocrisy is a sin and even believers struggle with it. There is a difference, however, between a struggling but honest believer and a hypocrite who refuses to acknowledge any wrongdoing.
Judgmentalism can refer to an unacceptable “I’m better that you” attitude. It can also refer to Christians belief that we are right in our beliefs, and therefore others are wrong. That is usually spiritual confidence, which is natural (as long as it doesn’t get mixed with arrogance) Everyone thinks that what they believe is true. Don’t make that the issue; rather, keep the discussion focused on Jesus Christ! Amen!
Matthew 23: 3 says………
Be careful about following them. They talk a good line, but they don’t live it. They don’t take it into their hearts and live it out in their behavior. It’s all about spit-and-polish veneer.
From the Message Bible
Please read now Matthew 23: 1-12
After reading God’s Word, pray on this:
Ask God to reveal any hypocritical tendencies in your life. Amen!
Got this note from Rick Stambaugh after we posted the prayer needs yesterday for him, Sam and others…………
Thank you for your kind words Pastor Dewey. Let’s throw all the prayers we can up for Sam though. I also am afflicted with a very bad back and although mine is not as severe as Sam’s, I can understand the pain he is in. There just isn’t a single position you can put yourself in to ease the pain. I, for whatever reason GOD has chosen, have only to deal with the cancer and between dealing with that & with the help of pain management, the back just seems inconsequential. While there is now a time limit on my presence on GOD’s green earth, (maybe the recent rains will get us some green anyway!), I have peace in knowing HE is my guide through this event and the end result, whenever he decides that to be, will be everlasting life, happiness & joy in heaven!!! – – Sam, my prayers are with you every day and pray GOD’s healing on your back. Know how hard the depression is to fight but you must continue to believe in our LORD and fight off Satan’s most widely used tool, deception & depression. Know in your heart you have hundreds or even thousands praying for your healing through this great site on a constant basis! GOD BLESS!!!
rick stambaugh, U.S. Navy Retired
God Bless you Rick, you are a true soldier of God.
Let us celebrate this day and all days, Joy in our Lord! Please read this post on JOY! By Shona Neff: https://fggam.org/joy-joy-joy-joy-down-in-my-heart/
Please pray over the following………..It would mean so much to us if you would read the following and pray for us.
We had a record number of visitors to FGGAM yesterday, For God’s Glory Alone! nearly 800! From all around the World!!!! So Church attendance at FGGAM was nearly 800 yesterday! For God’s Glory Alone!  As Kay Hendrickson, Board member here at FGGAM says,” For God’s Glory Alone Ministries is a church without walls!” It is just down right amazing what God is doing with this little ministry! 
When you then take into consideration what God has done with His web site www.fggam.org, His internet radio station, His radio program on KDZA and His TV program on KAZQ and His Daily Cup which we have been doing for 16 years, The Preaching and Speaking He has me and Sharon doing, the counseling services. God has blessed this simple little ministry. We are  afloat each month because God does not order anything unless He has already paid for it. I got a call today from one our Financial supporters from South Dakota checking in with us. God has moved people to gather around me and Sharon to help sustain us, it is a move of God, a couple from Minnesota gave for the first time this week! It is amazing the map that God is making. Do not underestimate God. Is God calling you to join in support of FGGAM? 
I remember Kyle Martin of Time To Revive telling me when I was manager of KKIM, “Many people are surprised that we have to pay for our radio time.” And I would always say, “I understand and people need to realize that ministries need financial support to stay on the air and the radio and TV stations need support also.” 
With the growth of our web site we have hired Isaac to work the back end of the site to maintain it’s efficiency. It is an extreme blessing to be able to add Isaac to FGGAM! 
Sharon found this story ( it’s so AWESOME! SOOOOOOOOOOO INSPIRING!) last night and I posted it at FGGAM Chase, the dog baseball mascot dies….  https://fggam.org/chase-longtime-mascot-and-beloved-bat-dog-dies-heart-warming-story-of-dog-and-baseball/
For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and family

Visit us today!


If you would like to support the much needed work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries, Dewey Moede, and Dewey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a financial gift.  You can securely give by clicking on this link- https://fggam.org/donate.html then scroll down the page to securely give through PayPal. Be assured my friends, your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please forward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they have to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to radiodewey@aol.com.

If you do not wish to be on this email list please kindly inform Dewey by sending him an email titled REMOVE at radiodewey@aol.com – we will take you off this email list asap