Obama Requests Military Powers to Fight ISIS


It’s about time Mr. President! We must not hide from the fact that we are in WW III, the fight for our life!

Obama requests military powers to fight ISIS

President Barack Obama asked Congress on Wednesday to formally authorize the use

of military force in the war against ISIS, Capitol Hill sources tell CNN.

More here:

Obama seeks authorization for war against IS

Warplane taking off (Illustrative)A proposal was circulated by the White House Tuesday which would seek Congressional authorization for the US military to engage the Islamic State (IS) terror militia without an “enduring offensive combat” role. The language of the draft was intentionally left ambiguous so as to allow as wide a base of support as possible. The plan was floated against the backdrop of reports that 26-year-old American aid worker Kayla Mueller had been executed by IS, after several months in which she had been held hostage. However, it has already generated robust debate over the necessity and wisdom of granting the President such authority, with many lawmakers requesting a more specific time frame. Elsewhere, Jordan’s armed forces have reportedly deployed thousands of troops to its border with Iraq as a bulwark against possible IS infiltration. Read More

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