Starbucks Takes All My Money


Has anyone listened to  KJ-52’s song Starbucks Takes All My Money? I love this song!

How many of us can relate? I know I can. How many of us (myself included) go to Starbucks once a week, every day, or sometimes 2 times a day!? How many of us do it even though we can’t wisely afford it?  Now what if for those of us who are willing to hurt our budgets or throw money away on our “addictions” were willing to become addicted to throwing our money into the kingdom of God!  What if we became so in love with sipping living water and sharing it that we started going “oo oo oo I need to give money to the house of God; I just can’t live without helping out the Kingdom”  Instead of singing “Starbucks takes all my money, red bull takes all my money, caffeine takes all my money, that junk ain’t funny” we started to sing “the church takes all my money, the poor take all my money, the missions take all my money, that stuff is never-ending” What if we got so serious about budgeting our money so that instead of setting it aside for coffee/music/movies/ect. we start budgeting and offering our money into Christ and what He is working for. Let it be fragrant and pleasing and come with a return profit not just for our pockets but for our spirits and for the kingdom of God because that is eternal.  Your coffee only last for the minutes you’re sipping it and on a caffeine high. The only long lasting part are the extra calories you’re going to be burning off at the gym in the next couple days.


Anyways, I love coffee, my husband knows that for me it is better than flowers and my favorite way to have chocolate is in a mocha. I’m not saying to stop living and enjoying God’s blessings, such as trips to Starbucks but to evaluate the gifts that we bring to God. Is it more important for you to have a want than it is to show God’s love to Him and to people? I came face to face with question over the past couple of years in different ways in relation to coffee. First it came as a budget issue, we couldn’t afford it and I would pout. Eventually God dealt with my attitude and I stopped pouting then eventually we were able to afford it. Then came the issue of being on time. Was I willing to forgo my coffee in order to be at church in time for setup? Well I was but not without a bad attitude, eventually God got me through that too and maybe it coincides and maybe it doesn’t but I no longer have to be to church super early. Remember when the Israelites were in the dessert and they kept complaining to Moses about what God provided for them to eat, manna, and they talked about how they missed Egypt! I can kind of relate. I know what it is like to go from having anything you want to eat to having to choose between ramen noodles and hotdogs for every dinner. In the end it all came down to the heart; are you willing to have God even though it means less for an indefinite amount of time over having the place you were in in the past with all its abundance? Philippians 4:17-19 says Not that I am looking for a gift, but I am looking for what may be credited to your account. I have received full payment and even more; I am amply supplied, now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent. They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.  And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. 


God wants our hearts and He will meet all of our needs just remember that sometimes those glorious riches are in the form of a good attitude and a heart of Joy. Love life, enjoy life, enjoy your relationship with God even when He asks you to give up something you though you needed.

Buy the song on Google Play here

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