God’s Sovereignty

Mar 17, 2014

God’s Sovereignty

Read | Ephesians 1:11

Some people question whether the Lord is truly in control. They learn about tragedies in the world and wonder if perhaps God isn’t powerful enough to overcome all evil. Or they encounter what seems like an insurmountable obstacle in their own life and come to the conclusion that His power is limited.

My friend, we certainly don’t understand everything that happens in this life. But we know from Scripture that God has ultimate authority. As Psalm 103:19 says, “The LORD has established His throne in the heavens, and His sovereignty rules over all.”

Consider the far-reaching implications of that verse: God has total control in all the universe. He reigns over everything and everyone, and His power surpasses all other strength. The terms omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient are often used to describe Him. In other words, our God is all-powerful, He exists everywhere, and He is all-knowing. This means there is nothing beyond His knowledge or His ability to direct.

And this limitless, unfathomable God, who is unhindered and fully in control, adopts us as His children. What an amazing thought! As we begin to grasp this truth, peace and rest will flood our souls.

If you believe in an all-powerful God, is that idea simply “head knowledge,” or does it affect the way you think and feel? When you realize that nothing happens apart from His awareness, direction, and loving purpose, it becomes possible to lay down fear and truly experience His peace.





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