When a Christmas tree caused pain

Tom Stolle: Jimmy didn’t receive a gift from one of those boxes that morning, but I received a gift. I saw my son understand and do what I foolishly thought for years he couldn’t do or understand. The Bible says in Psalm 94:19 (NIV), “When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.“ God sure did this in my life!


First of all, In want to thank the Baptist Press for sharing this story! This is such a GOD story. I pray for more like this! Glory to God in the Highest! Merry Christmas Team Jesus!

This story is written by Tom Stolle about his son Jimmy, really has really touched my heart on this Sunday morning. This whole story is all about what Christmas is to be. LOVE. Love like Jesus. Yesterday I officiated a funeral service of a young man. The West Mesa  Community Center was nearly full. People came to share their love with the family of Alan Garcia! My goodness! It makes me weep! Alan’s family is also so very loving. Then when I read this story about Tom Stolle and his son Jimmy and I had chills all over my body of happiness. As I stated yesterday at the funeral service, we all are to love each other, accept all people, help all people. Some need to get off their ‘high horse’ and touch all people. That ‘high horse’ will do you no good when you die. Check your ego at the door, too much of that ego stuff is going around in the American Church and on Facebook! I call it self-promotion! It is all about JESUS not us!  My goodness! What does JESUS think? EGO stand for edging God out! If we are all doing so good, why is the world going to hell.

I should add, that ‘high horse’ is an expression from back home, meaning a person thinks they are better than anybody, thinking to highly of themselves.

If you want to know why Church attendance is down in America, hit the streets and talk to people what they think of the American Church.

My buddy Cowboy Clarence, who has been in a wheelchair all his life told me once on my TV program when I asked him about his disability, “Dewey, everyone has a disability.” That stopped me in my tracks, the room got silent. WOW! YES! Think about it!

By the way….when I think of people that served JESUS and all people, I always think of Mother Tereasa, serving the lepers in the black hole of Calcutta! Mother Teresa was such a vey, very humble soul. How about me and you? Who Was Mother Teresa?

God Bless Tom Stolle for sharing this precious story with the world! Purity it is!

Baptist Press Editor’s note: Tom Stolle is executive director of the Baptist Convention of Maryland-Delaware.

Christmas Day – a day that is celebrated around the world! Believers take joy in the fact that Jesus came to earth, took on human flesh and ultimately sacrificed His life to save ours. We celebrate Christmas Day as the day our Savior entered this world on His mission to save us.

The fact that Jesus came to earth and died for me to pay the price for my sins is humbling. This brings me immense comfort and joy! I have no way to repay Him, but I can do my best to live for Him. I try to do that daily.

Part of my journey tells of a different experience of Christmas. One that is personally painful.

Our son Jimmy, who is affected by severe autism and associated disabilities, seemed not to understand the concept or didn’t have the desire to open presents. He wasn’t interested in them at all. He didn’t care about tearing through the wrapping paper to see what was inside. When his gifts were opened for him, he would be disinterested. More Here

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