How Pastors and All of Us Can Discern Our True Friends


Me and Sharon are pictured with one of our best friends ever Sister Barbara Gould. Sister Barbara from the day we met has always been their for Sharon and I with her Godly wisdom and love! Priceless for sure! Merry Christmas Sister! we love you!

Years ago my friend Tim Gannon said to me, “Dewey, I know you are such a best friend, if my house caught fire you would be the first to come through my front door with the fire hose.”

That is the kind of friend I strive to be to all!

WOW! I love this message by Pastor Sam Rainer, its a true winner! TRUE FRIENDS!!! True friends do not gossip! True friends always tell the truth! True friends offer you wisdom! True friends correct you in a loving way, the ways of JESUS! True friends are always there for you! True friends do not run from your troubles! True friends always are praying for you, they just do not say it, they mean it! True friends never take advantage of you! I could right a book on TRUE FRIENDS, because I have been given so many by GOD! God has given us all discernment, I am so very thankful!

I have been burned by way too many……that falsely represented themselves. They want to hook their wagon to your train! I just went through that! Ugh! I am thankful to God for giving me Sharon who has helped me much in that department.

Look for the fruit!

True friends make the world go around!

How Pastors Can Discern Their True Friends

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