Is The Pandemic an Indication That Our Nation Has Turned its Back on God?


Is the pandemic an indication that our nation has turned its back on God?

Sep 3, 2020

 Is the pandemic an indication that our nation has turned its back on God? From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Many say that God sometimes brings catastrophes to life to get people’s attention. With the recent pandemic, is it an indication that our nation has turned its back on God and replaced Him with idols of entertainment and carefree living, the very things that were taken away from us during the world’s lockdown? — I.W.

A: Satanic influences are everywhere, pushing us toward idolatry and sexual immorality. Setting goals, practicing disciplines, building new interests and diversions, creating systems of reward, etc., are not in themselves bad, but anything that diverts our attention from God becomes an idol. If we serve these things, we are not giving glory to God. The Bible says, “You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:3).

Often God sends storms in life to bring us back to Him. We can certainly see this clearly in Scripture. God brought the great flood in Noah’s day. God brought the famine in Joseph’s day. God brought the plagues to ancient Egypt in Moses’s day. God brought the earthquake to Mt. Calvary the day that Jesus was crucified — and darkness fell upon mankind, and God had man’s attention — for a time.

But because the Lord is a compassionate God and full of mercy, He brings good out of bad. When Joseph’s wicked brothers discovered that God had used him to save them from famine, Joseph told them, “You meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people” (Genesis 50:20).

The Good News is that God always has a purpose in everything He does, and that purpose is for our good — and to bring Him glory. The most wonderful thing God has sent to mankind is His Son as the Redeemer of souls. Do not dismiss the purpose of God, because everything He does points to the salvation He offers to all.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)


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