Good Morning Beautiful People…I Just Gotta Tell You Again


Good Morning Beautiful People…I Just Gotta Tell You Again

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. God is so good, so faithful and so true to His Word. He is a good God and His love is just downright amazing. I love the heart of my Heavenly Father. The double heart brings back to remembrance this early morning of Job and how he received double from God. (Job 42)

For your shame ye shall have double. (Isaiah 61:7) Who could ever give us that, but God Himself. During prayer as I lay prostrate on my face before my God to see what He would have me say to His people. This is what I penned a few years ago. I review it often for myself and it is for everyone.

Tell Them…

Tell them I love them…Tell them they are mine…Tell them I will never leave them nor forsake them.
Tell them they are precious gems…Tell them I see them as perfect…Tell them they reflect my image…Tell them not to look back.
Tell them to look straight ahead…Tell them I laid out the red carpet for them…My blood is enough…
Tell them, tell them, tell them again!

Tell them I love them…Tell them they are mine…Tell them I will never leave them nor forsake them.
Tell them they are precious gems…Tell them I see them as perfect…Tell them they reflect my image…Tell them not to look back.
Tell them to look straight ahead…Tell them I laid out the red carpet for them…My blood is enough…
Tell them, tell them, tell them again!
So there you have it. I told you, and I told you again.

It is the goodness and kindness of God that leads man unto repentance. (Romans 2:4)
You just gotta know Him for yourself. Read the book of John in your Bible and ask God for revelation. He loves you beautiful people. Yes, it is true, He gives you back double. Oh, the heart of our Father!

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