The Greatest of These Is Love



December 6, 2019

Experience Christmas

Today’s Reading

For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.1 CORINTHIANS 13:12–13

The Greatest of These Is Love

There was once an aged Christian man who was dying. A friend came to see him, and the dying man said, “I’ve just had three other visitors. Two of them are gone, but the third visitor will stay with me forever.” The friend asked, “Who were these visitors?” The aged man said, “Well, the first visitor was Faith. I visited with Faith and enjoyed Faith, but then I told Faith good-bye. I said, ‘Thank God for your company, Faith. I have walked with you since I first trusted Christ. But now I’m going to die and I won’t need you anymore, because Faith will be lost in sight when I get to heaven and see Jesus face-to-face.’”

Then he continued, “My second visitor was Hope. We also had a wonderful time. But then I said to Hope, ‘Farewell, Hope. You’ve helped me in the hour of battle. You’ve been with me in distress when my heart was broken and when I’ve had so many needs. You’ve been there like a rock, like an anchor. But, Hope, I won’t need you anymore. I’m going to heaven where hope turns to reality.’”

But then the man said, “The third visitor who came to see me is still with me, and will always be with me. His name is Love. I said to him, ‘Love, you’ve been my friend. You’ve linked me to God. You’ve linked me to my fellowman. You have comforted and gladdened me in all of my pilgrimages. “‘Now I’m going to heaven. But, Love, I’m not going to leave you behind. You will enter the city of God with me. And you, my friend, will be perfected in heaven.’”

Is that not what the Bible says? Look at the final verses of 1 Corinthians 13. Of the three gifts Paul mentions, the greatest is love. Do you want to give others the best Christmas gift possible? Give them the love of Christ. He is our life, our joy. He is the story of Christmas.


Have each family member answer this question: “If you could have only one gift this Christmas, what would it be and why?” Let everyone share and then close by thanking God for His great love gift of the Lord Jesus.

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Make lasting family memories and worship Christ this season with Love Worth Finding’s free Experience Christmas activities and resources.

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