You Can Dance Again…Angel’s Prayer Of The Day

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You Can Dance Again…


Good morning beautiful people. Isn’t it good to be alive? We should celebrate life everyday. Today, I wanted to share a small portion from a Bible Study I wrote from my own experience to women suffering in silence from the aftermath of an abortion. Journey with me today even if you haven’t experienced such a trauma. Thank God Himself that you haven’t. I hope and pray it will build compassion in you for the many millions of women that have.

In the first part of this study we admit we are hurt. We face head on the wrong decision that was made.  In the second part of this study, we grieve the loss of a life that never made it past the womb. The third part of this study is a day of remembrance.

I have had the opportunity to journey with many women from across this globe that are post abortive. From our young women to our beloved elderly, many carry the same secret. The pain of an abortion is a pain they wish they never experienced and struggle to share. I will post this study on my website in the near future free of charge so that Jesus can heal you right at your point of need. He wants you to be free. Jesus paid the price. 

Most times fear is the triggering emotion that brings a teen, a woman and/or their families to take steps they will someday come to regret.

At the first Healing Waters Women’s Conference (2016), I journeyed my own study again and wrote another letter to my son Jeremiah. This is what I penned on that special day. 


I told you so…My special  child…I told you so.

God would open doors for me to speak about the pain and trauma of abortion. Women will be set free.

I miss you still, I miss you much.

I know your with Jesus and I’ll see you again someday.

Oh Jeremiah, how I love you!!  (lot’s of hearts)

Your the only child I have that likes to hear I told you so.


On our final day, we do a small remembrance for the life that was not born. On six white pedals in 2016 I wrote the following words with a heart underneath each word.  Loved, Cherished, He Loves His Momma, I will embrace him someday, Never Forgotten, Healed.

This year at the Healing Waters Women’s Conference (2017) I added one more white pedal to my remembrance. Precious. Precious he is…

Life is a precious choice. Celebrate your day beautiful people. You have a lot to be thankful for. Dance, Dance, Dance.

Psalm 30:11-12  You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. Lord my God, I will praise you forever.



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