More Nothing Noise: A-Rod Files Lawsuit against MLB


THIS IS WHAT I MEAN BY NOTHING NOISE! I wrote about it this morning. Click here: my, oh my!

You would have to be blind if you did not know A-Rod was a druggie and womanizer, he has been looking for love in all the wrong places!

Yes, I consider these sports enhancement drugs as being a druggie!

This is what we want our kid’s growing up seeing these sports stars use????


If Pete Rose can be banned for gambling, these guys should receive nothing less!!!

I need to add here that A-Rod has been tied to gambling in the past, playing high stakes poker.

All MLB players sign a “good citizen” clause in their contract! It is HIGH TIME BASEBALL ENFORCE IT!

Do you see the reflection of our society in this?

Baseball has always been a reflection of our societyAlex Rod!

New York Yankees star Alex Rodriguez has filed a lawsuit against Major League Baseball and league Commissioner Bud Selig, accusing both of engaging in “tortious and egregious conduct with one and only one goal” of destroying the third baseman’s reputation and career.


A-Rod should be been banned from baseball for life. He has been such a bad example to the youth of this country! He is a prime example of what is wrong with our society! It is high time baseball get with it and kick the druggies out of baseball! 50 day suspensions are WEAK!

The suit comes as Rodriguez, 38, is fighting through arbitration a 211-game suspension that MLB is trying to levy against him. MLB accuses him of taking performance-enhancing drugs and having ties to the now-shuttered Biogenesis anti-aging clinic in Miami.

The Yankees sure has the light of Jesus Christ with them this year in Mo Rivera and the darkness in A-ROD

Do you see the light? Do you see the darkness? Grab onto the light of our Lord Jesus Christ.

When one is delivered from the darkness, they can come back and play.

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