It is More Than a War on Christmas


What is the saying, “winter is coming”. With today being the shortest day of the year winter has actually arrived but I am talking about more than just the time of year because while we focus on the war on Christmas winter has actually arrived in America.

It is easy to get caught up in fights over nativity scenes in small towns across these United States but we should be paying attention to the battle in our schools.

A school in Wyoming was the latest battleground for freedom of speech and freedom of religion, rights are in short supply these days.

A group of students at Glendo High School decided to pray together out loud in the school cafeteria before they ate. Well, principal Stanetta Twiford would have none of that in her school and she told the group that they were forcing their religion on others.

Of course, the students and their parents knew that they had a right to pray and press the principal and superintendent of the district to allow them the freedom to pray before their meals in the school cafeteria. But the restriction remained in place as the school district incorrectly called this prayer of violation of the separation of church and state.

The students were finally able to pray out loud in a non-disruptive way in the school cafeteria when the Alliance Defending Freedom, a legal group known for defending Christians, threatened to sue the school for the students.

The ADF cited Supreme Court rulings allowing students to pray in school during non-instructional time that is non-disruptive.

The focus should not be in the legal victory, thankfully children still have the right to pray before they eat, but the focus should be on how often we see school administrators barring freedom of religion to students.

While we still have enough freedom to do so we must fight for the heart and soul of our schools. The reason our schools are performing so poorly is because we’ve removed the Lord from the classroom and the reason our country is moving so quickly away from God is because we have lost so many of our schools.

There is no reason that our schools should be filled with godless teachers and administrators and there is no reason that our superintendents and school boards should be godless and in some cases child molesters.

In communities where Christians are still the majority we have an obligation to volunteer our time to serve on school boards and the hold teachers and administrators accountable for what they do and what they teach to our children.

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