Such a tragic end…….We are covering this tragedy in our prayers.

From Yahoo News

Maya Hilty, The Santa Fe New Mexican

May 24—ALBUQUERQUE — The look on the attorneys’ faces offered the first clue Friday that a plea hearing for a former Santa Fe priest accused of child sexual abuse would not proceed as planned.

Daniel Balizan was expected to plead guilty Friday morning to charges stemming from child sex abuse accusations brought by a former parishioner at Santa María de La Paz Catholic Community. But as news of Balizan’s death by suicide spread through the federal courthouse, it was clear there would be more shock than resolution.

“I’m stunned,” Balizan’s attorney, Dan Cron, said after the hearing.

As the proceeding before U.S. District Judge Matthew Garcia began, Assistant U.S. Attorney Jaymie Roybal said she had received news Balizan had died by suicide, which she verified with the FBI and local law enforcement. More Here

From KOB TV:

The Archdiocese of Santa Fe issued the following statement on his death:

“The Archdiocese of Santa Fe is saddened by the news of former priest Daniel Balizan having taken his life. We pray for comfort for his family and those who cared for him. May God have mercy on his soul.

As the news has indicated, Daniel was awaiting a hearing in a child sexual abuse case. His tragic decision to end his life underscores the far-reaching and devastating consequences of the crime of child abuse—affecting victims, their loved ones, and even perpetrators themselves.

The Archdiocese of Santa Fe reiterates its steadfast commitment to a zero-tolerance policy regarding the sexual abuse of children and adults. We are dedicated to providing a safe and secure environment for all children and work tirelessly to prevent such incidents from occurring.”

Expanding clergy sexual abuse probe targets New Orleans Catholic church leaders

Catholic Church sex abuse cases in the United States

Sexual Abuse in The Southern Baptist Churches

Why can’t churches get handling abuse right?

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