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“GOD’S Timing Is EVERYTHING!” April 2024 NM Prayer Connect, PATH, NM, COG, NM & El Paso, TX Newsletter! 

Sisters & Brothers In Yeshua/Jesus,

             Now that practically the whole world has celebrated Resurrection Sunday, what’s next? Please join us for 50 Days Of Prayer, Praying Up To Pentecost @ https://www.projectpray.org/_files/ugd/993c94_ae66263fdd4746de8ec03ba76d82944f.pdf which you can do personally, in small groups or as a whole congregation, but on Saturday, April 13, 1-3pm MT, gather together with us in Santa Fe, NM, for the Call to the Capitol event at the Roundhouse, register @ https://www.facebook.com/events/1745985019246638 and be sure to invite everyone you know in New Mexico to attend! We’re preparing for the 12 Korean Intercessors to come to our state, from May 14-21, so be sure to come to New Life Church Of God on Aztec, off Carlisle in ABQ, to pray with them for a true spiritual awakening and revival to come to our state and to be prayed for by them, so that you can bring the anointing that breaks down every yoke of sin and bondage back to your fellowship, community and home.  We are one of only 21 cities in the United States, which they’re visiting this year, so we’re hoping that all believers, disciples of Christ/Messiah will come in from our 33 counties and 23 tribal nations, together as ONE, for GOD to command HIS Blessing upon us, as recorded in Psalm 133!

             How can we come together as one, when there is such division, arguing and disagreement? Are we following The Word Of God/Jesus, manmade rules and regulations within the church or possibly doctrines of demons, according to Jesus’ half-brother, James? Are we in disobedience with or rebellion against God’s Holy & Precious Word? The Bible says, “It’s the sin of divination, witchcraft and insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry” (1 Samual 15:23 NASB 1995).  It’s time for every confessing believer to look in the mirror and decide whether we’re going to do things our way, somebody else’s way or according to God’s Word, Will & Way.  If we are followers of Jesus, let us align ourselves with Him and say, Not My Will, But Thine Be Done!

             For instance:  Exodus 12:1-2 AMP

The LORD said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, “This month shall be the beginning of months to you; it is to be the first month of the year to you.

AMP: Amplified Bible

             In the fall of 2023, many in the traditional Jewish, Messianic, Hebraic and Christian communities worldwide, blew their shofars and ushered in the year 5784.  At midnight on December 31 (that same year), people around the globe shouted, ‘Happy New Year 2024!’ Abib 1 begins at sundown on Monday, April 8 at 9:22 PM Jerusalem time & 1 Nisan, also known as Abib, will occur on April 9, 2024, and is the seventh month of the year.  In contemporary culture, both the first and seventh months are considered the same, and are referred to as one or the other depending on the religious aspects being discussed. Now with hopefully not getting too heady and confusing everyone, the Nation of Israel has a ‘spiritual’ and ‘civil’ year, besides Tu B’Shevat, “Jewish Earth Day” and Elul, “New Year Of Animals,” so they technically celebrate 4 new years.

             So, if people say that they’re following Moses (hopefully we can agree that Moses wrote down what God said), how is it that they don’t listen to and follow The ONE he said was coming, that God would ‘raise up’ and celebrate the first month of the year, according to Exodus 12:1-2, especially, as New Covenant believers, since Paul tells young Timothy and all who read The Bible, that ALL Scripture Is GOD Breathed?                As mentioned in the opening sentence above, almost the entire ‘church world’ celebrated in March 2024, the triumphal entry of Christ/Messiah (Our PASSOVER Lamb) into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday with the washing of the disciple’s feet, the Passover meal, which is where we get our communion table from, Jesus/Yeshua being betrayed by Judas, the Good Friday crucifixion death and burial, the Sabbath rest and the Feast Of First Fruits (April 27-28, 2024) Resurrection, very early on the first day of the week, Sunday.  How can these things be, when Passover this year, begins on Monday, April 22 at sundown and ends on Tuesday, April 30 at sundown.  While the date in the English calendar changes each year (GOD Changes NOT), the holiday always falls on the 15th day of the Hebrew/Biblical month of Nissan through the 22nd! Ephesians 2:14-15 AMP

For He Himself is our peace and our bond of unity. He who made both groups—[Jews and Gentiles]—into one body and broke down the barrier, the dividing wall [of spiritual antagonism between us], by abolishing in His [own crucified] flesh the hostility caused by the Law with its commandments contained in ordinances [which He satisfied]; so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thereby establishing peace.

AMP: Amplified Bible

             If Jew and Gentile are to become ONE, it’s going to be in God’s Timing and according to His Word, Will & Way, but we need to cooperate with Him and like the sons of Issachar, we must discern the days and times we are living in, here and now, so Today, if you’re hearing His Voice, harden not your heart, but let’s do our best to move forward together in obedience, because that always brings God’s Richest BLESSINGS! Remember, Jesus says to you and me, “Just As The Father Sent Me, So I Am Sending You!” He completely and totally walked in the power of the Holy Spirit and so must you and I.  We must not and can not work out our Salvation in a haphazardly manner, so let us fall back, regroup and walk the walk, coming together in agreement with the Revelation, the Light He has given us, not hanging out in the shadows or making things up as we go along, not being tossed to and fro by every wind of bad doctrine and teaching, but in Love, because Love NEVER Fails and we have a great harvest to reap, before the second coming of Christ, so we can hear Him say, “Well Done, Good & Faithful Servants!” I welcome your comments and if you or someone you know would like to hold an event in or around NM, don’t hesitate to contact me.


Mark Tross

NM Prayer Connect, PATH, NM, COG, NM & El Paso, TX Coordinator


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