New Mexico is the abortion Capitol in America. So many Pastors fail to speak up for God’s babies, they are fearful.
This banner is at the First Baptist Church of Glenwood, New Mexico! PTL for such wonderful Christians!

Pastor Dewey Moede Note: It is a shame that more Pastors do not speak out about the killing of God’s babies! I always wonder how they sleep at night! It must be nice to eat and sell ice cream all the time! God knows!

Denison Forum

Dr. Jim Denison

The comedian and abortion advocate Bill Maher made headlines this week when he admitted that abortion “kind of is” murder. Then he stated, “I’m just okay with that. I am. I mean there’s eight billion people in the world. I’m sorry, we won’t miss you. That’s my position on it.”

Maher’s honesty exposes the deepest fault line in American culture. It is not between Democrats and Republicans, or between believers and secularists, or between any other two commonly identified demographics. It is between those who consider life to be inherently sacred and those who consider it to be an instrumental means to other ends.

The latter would likely not describe their position as I have. But as I’ll explain today, this is in fact how they view their fellow humans, with implications that touch every dimension of our existence from conception to death.

There is no more urgent battle for the minds of Americans than this. The Rest of The Story Here

A MUST READ AND LISTEN! Pastor Doug Wilson warns ‘no political solution’ to America’s ills, defends Christian nationalism

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