I will not bank with these stinkers……Bank of America has been reported for years of doing bad things. Good for these AG’s! Thank you for this report Jon Brown!

The Christian Post

Jon Brown, Christian Post Reporter 

A coalition of 15 Republican state attorneys general sent a letter to Bank of America earlier this week demanding answers to allegations that the financial behemoth has discriminated against customers based on political and religious viewpoints. The company has denied such allegations.

The group, led by GOP Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach, expressed concern that the Charlotte, North Carolina-based company “is responsible for some of the worst-known instances of debanking” while at the same time cooperating with the federal government to provide “innocuous” private information to paint some conservative customers as “potential domestic terrorists.” The Rest of The Story Here

Now friends please read this, it ties in with the above report on Bank of America. Christian Nationalism? What is it? What did it used to be called?

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