He is the Way Maker

Jesus riding in on a donkey that day changed everything, it was the beginning of the end.


“I have glorified you on the earth by faithfully doing everything you’ve told me to do. So my Father, restore me to the glory that we shared when we were face-to-face before the universe was created”

(John 17:4-5 TPT)

Jesus riding in on a donkey that day changed everything, it was the beginning of the end.  Imagine the scene, can you see the crowd of people as Jesus entered the city waving their palm leaves and shouting “Hosanna to the son of David, blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”

In a few days, everything was about to change. Victory was imminent. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was nearing the end of His earthly days. He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, symbolizing service, humility, peace, and suffering. The people welcomed Him as a King, waving palm leaves, which have long symbolized victory. The stage was set for a story that would change the world.

Jesus knew what was about to happen to him, it was always in God’s plan, and a door no man could shut was about to open!

 Palm Sunday was a symbol of Jesus’ willingness to die in our place to rise from the dead and birth of the new covenant. A covenant between God and man is a picture of the grace and the unconditional love of Christ. Christ in the form of God not for His advantage, but because “He was willing to die and empty himself as a servant”.

God came to the earth to mend the brokenhearted, to make whole those who needed a Redeemer, and to save that which was lost. He did not come to Lord it over us as a dictator but to have a covenantal relationship with us. This is a profound truth that God is simply more interested in a family than in power.

He desires to meet us in our human experiences and in our human struggles “He is the Way Maker” who comes to our rescue beyond the cross and the Easter celebration we have come to celebrate.

Satan thought he had the battle won when he tricked Adam and Eve into sinning, causing them to be kicked out of the Garden of Eden. Satan plotted to condemn everyone to hell only to find out later God had another plan, and the Father would not fail. God confronted Satan…And told him that one of Eve’s offspring would one day restore the world and that he would spend his days in the lake of fire.

God is a God of love that is why he sent a savior, the Messiah, the Anointed One. Arrived in the form of a baby only to return to His heavenly place as a gentle warrior saving the world of sins for all mankind so that all who would believe in Him. I life that would never die but would live forever with Him in eternity. (John 5:24).

Jesus the King of the Jews and the Gentiles, Jesus our great intercessor.

I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. I pray they will all be one, just as you and I are one -as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe sent me (17:20-21 TPT).

Later that day Jesus hung on a cross, as He came near to His death He said loudly “It is finished”.

Praise God, the New Covenant was born and now we as Jesus’s followers have the greatest gift of all, the Holy Spirit who now not only manifests himself inside the church but lives in each believer. The Spirit placed in each one that believes with the amazing privilege to become His sons and daughters we are now “born again” His living tabernacles walking the earth and bringing glory to the name of Jesus!

Just as you sent me into the world, I am sending them into the world (John 17:18 TPT). With Jesus fulfilling the role of the Passover Lamb, there was no longer a need for animal sacrifices. He, as the pure and spotless Lamb, willingly laid down His life for each of us, shedding His blood once and for all!

Imagine with me that beautiful resurrection morning, the tomb was empty. “He is risen.” His life, death, burial, and resurrection morning brought forth a better plan—a more perfect way of salvation for humankind. Now, eternal life with the King is made available through the shed blood of the Son of God.

No longer separated from God the great news of this New Covenant of God indwelling man with the gift of the Holy Spirit separates true believers from every religion in the world.

The chief priest and Pharisees tried to stop Him but everything they tried was unsuccessful not even large stones could prevent Him from accomplishing His mission. “What a mighty God we serve, the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords!”

Jesus the true meaning of Easter, the one who brings hope, and eternal life. The one who made a way through His love to die in our place. This moment marked the beginning of the end, a time when God’s incredible love for humanity was vividly displayed. This light and love will shine throughout the ages for all to see and one day we will all live in eternity together as sons and daughters of the King!  What a glorious day that will be!

Happy Resurrection Day!  He has risen Indeed!


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