Visions Of Refreshing… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Visions Of Refreshing…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I listened as the rain last night danced upon the roof removing the snow of the season. I sit this morning quietly before a majestic God and see the rain pour down in streams. There is something so refreshing about water. I am thankful today that God can bring healing and refreshing to the weariest of souls. Hope can come alive today in people across this globe, because Jesus is alive, he is well, and he can bring back vision to people that have lost it.

As I sat in the prayer room this morning, people started popping in my mind to pray for. Some folks lost their ability to see their next step. They lost their vision for life and the ability to envision what the future may hold. Is this you?  If it is, it is time to be refreshed today in God’s presence. Take a piece of paper and something to write with or a crayon to draw and begin to write or draw some things that is in your heart, your heart’s desire. If your heart is empty today, ask God to fill it with some of his desires and begin to cast some vision for your future. Let him reign in your life today. Amen?

Let’s Pray:

Father, today we join faith and lift up every person that needs new vision. Father, for the person that needs a place to live, we pray you show them the open door. For the one that doesn’t feel loved, you are the lover of their soul, may they receive it today. For the one that lacks confidence, you are the lifter of their head. For every need on the earth today, you have an answer to every life issue. We are people created in your image and you desire to meet our every need. We stand in the gap today for everyone that is losing hope, you are their living hope. May today they see you working on their behalf, because you love them. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)

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