How to Experience Peace Over Fear

Adrian Rogers: If you get the idea that God is going to accept you on the basis of your performance, then you will never know when and if you have done enough.


Today’s Daily Devotional from Adrian Rogers


“If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.”


God’s love for us is unconditional. And when the Bible says a husband is to love his wife, God means agape love, which is unconditional. Think about the value of spouses who love one another without condition. You have security in the place of fear. You have peace, which replaces guilt. You have joy that replaces anger.

Some couples reason: It would be better for our children if we got a divorce than for our children to live in this constant fighting. Sociologists have told us divorce is seldom, if ever, a positive factor in the life of a child. If you’re really talking about what is better for the child, I suggest you go ask the children and see what they think about it. You say, “Well, the only two alternatives we have are divorce or constant fighting.” There’s a third alternative: You get your heart right with God, and you stop fighting and don’t seek to excuse it. The Bible says we’re to live peaceably with all people. This certainly includes our marriages.

  • What are some of the fights you have most frequently with your spouse? How do you handle those conflicts?
  • What are some things that make it difficult to live at peace with others? How can God help you overcome those things?


Ask God to help you to live at peace with everyone.

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Family Revival | Part 2

Matthew 19:3-6


In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how to build our marriages in a biblical way.

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90 Seconds of Profound Truth

You Cannot Achieve Perfection

If you get the idea that God is going to accept you on the basis of your performance, then you will never know when and if you have done enough.

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Pastor Adrian Rogers loved God’s Word and wanted everyone he met to love it too! We’ve strategically placed some of his best teaching, stories, and observations throughout The Adrian Rogers Legacy Bible to illuminate passages and bring encouragement to every reader. Order now.

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