Caring For Wife with Alzheimer’s Shows Pastor How God Loves His Church

Pastor Grady Caldwell said his journey has taught him how much he must die to himself in caring for his wife, just as Jesus died to save the world. “(God) compels me to love her as Christ loves the Church, where He was willing to die for the Church,” Caldwell said. “And He’s showing me through this, how much I have to die to myself, and what I want to do, how I want to do it, to make sure she’s cared for.”


Pastor Dewey Moede: I am so very thankful for the Baptist Press! They send out so many stories of God’s Love! What a service to the Kingdom of God! Amen! This one should make you weep…….if not, check your heart.

By Diana Chandler, posted February 14, 2024 in Family

GRIFFIN, Ga. (BP) – “Therapeutic lying” was a new concept for Grady Caldwell Jr. As the primary caregiver for his wife Kathleen in the latter stages of Alzheimer’s, surely he shouldn’t allow her to believe her mother Lois, deceased for years, just visited them at home.

Caldwell, senior pastor of New Mercy Baptist Church in Griffin, Ga., tried telling Kathleen the truth when she talked of speaking with her brother, Bruce Jones, who had passed 20 years earlier.

“And she fell into a state of depression that was unbelievable. And that’s what got me to begin to walk in the truth of that term, that there is such a thing as, ‘It’s better to just lie and go along with them, than to try to get them to see the truth,’” Caldwell told Baptist Press. “It’s better to live in her reality, than to try to bring her into the reality of what’s actually going on.”

Former Southern Baptist Convention President Jim Henry, caregiver to his wife Jeanette who died of Alzheimer’s in 2019, can relate to Caldwell. The Rest of The Story Here

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