Denison Forum

Dr. Jim Denison

When I saw this New York Times headline yesterday, my first thought was that the pope has endorsed homosexual relationships. Judging from the media reaction, many are making the same assumption. When I read the actual Vatican announcement, I learned that the truth is much more complicated. Nonetheless, my first impression is, I fear, the lasting impression this news will leave with our secularized culture.

At the outset, I want you to know that my response does not express an anti-Catholic bias on my part. I have been privileged to know and serve alongside many Catholic priests across my ministry and am grateful for the many Catholic readers of The Daily Article. Catholic writers and theologians continue to inform and enhance my personal spiritual life. And I deeply appreciate the church’s continued support for the sanctity of life.

Nonetheless, I believe the Vatican’s announcement to be a foundational mistake with massive cultural ramifications we need to understand through the lens of biblical truth. More Here

This is how the Baptist Press covered the story: Pope approves blessings for same-sex couples that must not resemble marriage

Church of England To Introduce Same-Sex Blessing, as It Faces ‘Disestablishment’ Bill in Parliament

Cardinal Becciu Sentenced to 5 and a Half Years in Prison by Vatican Tribunal

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