Good Morning Beautiful People… Double Blessing And More!


Double Blessing And More!

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. It’s a late morning writing. We soon will be winding down 2023. All that will be left are the memories. I pray you had many good memories to reflect back onto this past year.  The bad memories, well I pray you can forgive and let it go. That’s the hardest part of it all. Not a perfect world and no perfect person, only a perfect God. However, I believe we are still in the miracle season.

I remember the day he asked me to lay it all down. Every dream I ever had. Everything people stole or tried to steal from me. Everything I desired to accomplish here on earth, he wanted it all laid at his feet. He wanted me to fully trust him with my life. Not an easy task for someone that has been betrayed time and time again.

I remember the two little velvet pillows that hung from a shelf that I donated from my home. Along with some other items to raise money for an International Ministry I was trying to support. I wanted them to succeed and asked God if there was anything else in my home, he wanted me to donate. Everything I have or will ever have belongs to you first God, I told him on that morning. I was filling my car for a yard sale to raise funds for their ministry. Seems like forever ago now. I only took what belonged to me as I went from room to room inquiring what he wanted me to give. I remember praying God anything that would be meaningful to someone that would be there, show me what to take. It’s all for you God to use, I wanted him to know. 

Those two velvet inexpensive pillows that hung from a shelf were a bit special to me and he highlighted them that morning. One pillow read Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and not lean on thine own understanding. They both were imprinted with gold and adorned with a gold cord. One had the Bible verse from Proverbs 3:5 and the other from Philippians 4:13 I can do all things from God that strengthens me. 

This morning my sister came and blessed me with 6 new pillows she made for Christmas. She made these glitzy pillows for me and two are full of God’s Word. I know the plans I have for you, sweet to the soul, a happy heart, be still, unfailing love, she is clothed with strength, assurance, delight and so many other of God’s words to me and to you his beautiful people. 

Let’s pray:

Father, thank you for your love. You are an amazing Father, and I am thankful to journey every day with you.

Father, you are the lifter of our head. You are the miracle maker; the way maker and you desire us to put our trust in you.

Father, thank you for creating us in your image and may you trust us with more in 2024, we pray. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Stay Blessed!

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13)





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