CBN Reports: Since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last June, there has been a fierce battle brewing at the state level among those defending the preborn and those who support abortion.

What does the Bible say about abortion? Simply put, abortion is murder. It is the killing of a human being created in the image of God.

This debate will take center stage next week at the Arizona Supreme Court, Wyoming Supreme Court, and New Mexico Supreme Court, where each of those states’ highest courts will decide the abortion issue and the fate of hundreds of children for years to come.

FGGAM received this news report from Jodi Hendricks of the New Mexico Family Action Movement

This coming week the New Mexico Supreme Court will be hearing the cases on our Pro-life ordinances that are spreading across the state. While our AG is fighting to make abortion a constitutional right in New Mexico we at NMFAM have voiced our opinion through a brief filed with the court.
Our brief is clear that we believe government officials cannot bypass ordinary legal processes to further their own political agenda, and the court shouldn’t create a new so-called “right” to abortion in the state constitution. We’re hopeful that the court will recognize that our constitution clearly does not contain a right to take innocent, unborn life.

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