Turkey Time Blessings

Seasoned with Faith: A Time For Reflection & Gratitude


Ah, Thanksgiving – the holiday that’s like the hidden gem between Halloween’s candy extravaganza and the festive madness of Christmas. Now, unless you’ve been living under a rock or are living in another country, you’re likely familiar with the Pilgrims, Wampanoag, and the history that led to the annual feast now celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States of America. It’s a celebration that often gets drowned out in the holiday pandemonium, but not in my book. The pumpkins stay put until after Thanksgiving in my world!

This year, I’m passing on the hosting duties to my granddaughter. I’ve done my time in the kitchen, and I’m more than happy to contribute a few dishes to what I’m sure will be a sumptuous feast. And let’s be real, every year, I promise myself not to overindulge, and every year, I watch those scales defy my good intentions. It’s a tradition, I suppose!

Thanksgiving, for me, is more than just a banquet—it’s about family, friends, and a time to be grateful. Not everyone gets to revel in these joys, and as I’ve matured, I’ve learned not to take any celebration for granted. So, I found myself pondering on what I could share to uplift those who may find themselves alone during the holidays. And then, I stumbled upon a gem in my Inspiration Folder – a piece titled “Always.”

I wish I could credit the author, but it seems to have slipped through the cracks of my memory. Regardless, it’s a powerful reminder of God’s unwavering love and promises to those who believe. For anyone feeling lonely during the holidays, I share it with the hope that it brings comfort:


As a believer…

God will always be with you.

He will always love you.

He will always forgive your sins.

He will always listen to you.

He will always comfort you.

He will always provide for you.

He will always remember you.

He will always work on your behalf.

He will always lead you with love, power, and wisdom.

He will always bless your obedience to Him.

He will always come through for you.

He will always answer your prayers.

And when you wait on the Lord, you can know for certain that the best is yet to come… always.

This season recalls an old hymn we used to sing, “Blessed Assurance,” a reminder not to doubt salvation and to remember that Jesus is always with us. When you know Jesus Christ, you’re never alone. And if you don’t know Jesus, and there’s still air in your lungs, it’s not too late for you to be saved and to know that God is with you.

“If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9-10) 

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

So, here’s to a Thanksgiving season filled with blessings, reflection, and a heart full of gratitude. Cheers to a feast that goes beyond the table, celebrating the warmth of companionship and the assurance of always being in the loving presence of the Divine.

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