This story by James Emery White is so heart warming to an old preacher like myself. It encourages me to keep going, it has been a tough time of late………shining the light of Jesus to one person at a time, as Sharon and I say.

From ChurchLeaders

James Emery White

Many years ago, I read of a pastor who boarded a plane in a pair of old blue jeans and a T-shirt, looking anything but ministerial. He sat down next to a well-dressed business guy who was reading a copy of the Wall Street Journal.

They exchanged the usual pleasantries, and then the pastor asked the man what he did for a living. With obvious pride, he said, “Oh, I’m in the figure salon business. We can change a woman’s self-concept by changing her body. It’s really a very profound, powerful thing.”

He was a fairly young guy, so the pastor asked him if he had been doing it for very long. More Here

This message by Dr. Denison in his news report today, ties in with James Emery White’s message: Story Here

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