Do You Have a God-Given Dream?

This is what happened to me and Sharon! I got chills when I read this from Adrian Rogers! You don’t find the will of God; the will of God finds you. When three Pastors came into my office at KKIM Christian Radio over the period of a month and told me I must leave the radio business and go out and preach the Word of God in New Mexico, Sharon and I went with God! God then established us into the ministry of For God's Glory Alone, FGGAM. FGGAM was not built by me and Sharon, it was built by God, for God's purpose to shine His light to one person at a time. Man would say we started from scratch! BUT! NO! GOD ALMIGHTY started us in ministry and continues to drive FGGAM! NOT US! The Holy Spirit tells us what to say when I preach, and what to write and report here at FGGAM. ALL GOD! NOT US! God has brought writers and supporters to us! We are so on fire in the love of JESUS for all people!

FGGAM Photo of Pastor Dewey and Sharon Moede
In 1974 my Grandma Caraway, such a wonderful, sweet, dedicated woman of God, spoke over me and said I would be a preacher someday! 
I am so excited this morning! I want you to read this twice! Ha! 
This is what happened to me and Sharon! I got chills when I read this from Adrian Rogers! You don’t find the will of God; the will of God finds you. When three Pastors came into my office at KKIM Christian Radio over the period of a month and told me I must leave the radio business and go out and preach the Word of God in New Mexico, Sharon and I went with God! God then established us into the ministry of For God’s Glory Alone, FGGAM. FGGAM was not built by me and Sharon, it was built by God, for God’s purpose to shine His light to one person at a time. Man would say we started from scratch! BUT! NO! GOD ALMIGHTY started us in ministry and continues to drive FGGAM! NOT US! The Holy Spirit tells us what to say when I preach, and what to write and report here at FGGAM. ALL GOD! NOT US! God has brought writers and supporters to us! We are so on fire in the love of JESUS for all people! FGGAM will be 12 years young in August of 2024, Lord Willing.
FGGAM is an independent ministry. Not ruled by a denomination or politics! NO! GOD is our leader in all things! 

We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament and New Testament are the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God.
God’s Word is the final authority for faith and life.
We believe there is only one God, and He has chosen to reveal Himself
as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
– FGGAM is a nondenominational, nonpartisan, Independent ministry –
I want to share with you this not I got yesterday after ‘The House of Hope’ aired on KDOM radio in my hometown of Windom, Minnesota where my Christian foundation was built! I remember my Pastors, Sunday school teachers and my school teachers! I DO! They helped build me up! I am forever grateful!
Here is what Phil Anderson from Windom texted me: “Thanx for your great message this morning. I just prayed for Sharon and will continue to do so for complete healing of her ankle. You keep giving the BEST 5 minute Bible message of all. Keep it up.”
Thank you Phil! Phil was the funeral home director back home when Dad and Mom passed away.  Phil and his partner Bill Schmidt blessed me and our entire family during that very sad time. Phil’s son, Alan recently passes away and his wife is in falling health. Please keep Phil’s family in your prayers.
Our writers and supporters carry a big load here at FGGAM! We are thankful for them all! With GOD, FGGAM has become a worldwide ministry! IT IS ALL GOD! NOT US!

November 04, 2023
Today’s Daily Devotional


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”


You don’t find the will of God; the will of God finds you. You get your heart right with God. You present yourself to Him. You have the mind of Christ, you get in the stream, and you’ll find out that God will be guiding you.

God has a dream for you. I’m not telling you God has promised to fulfill your fantasies. I’m talking about a God-given dream. How can I tell whether my dream is a God-given dream? Think about it. Pray over it. When I was a kid, I said, “Lord, what do You want me to do?” And then, after a while, I got a little inclination in my heart. “Lord, I think You want me to preach.” And then it was, “Lord, do You want me to preach?” Then after a while, it was, “Lord, if You don’t want me to preach, you better let me know.” And then, finally, “Lord, I know this is what You want.” Check your dream out. Soak it in prayer. God will guide you.

  • When have you felt God guide you to do something?
  • Why is it important to be discerning and prayerful when you think you may have a God-given dream?


Ask another mature Christian about the ways God led him or her throughout life.

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Practicing the Presence of God | Part 2

Genesis 37:1


The secret to an abundant life is practicing the presence of God. One of the greatest examples of this is found in the Book of Genesis, through the life of Joseph. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares four principles that reveal how to practice the presence of God.

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Trying to fit in is a form of slavery that will never be satisfied.

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Jesus wants those who belong to Him to mature spiritually and walk purposefully and confidently on our way to our heavenly home. Explore this truth with us.

Adrian Rogers
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