REUTERS reports that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said during a speech released today (10/1/2023) that nothing would weaken his country’s fight against Russia.  The speech came only one day after the United States (“US”) Congress passed and US President Joe Biden signed a 45-day stopgap funding bill – a continuing resolution, omitting aid to Ukraine.

Ukraine’s Defense Minister Rustem Umerov said that he received reassurances about continuing military aid during a telephone call with US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who reportedly stated, according to a post on the platform “X” (formerly Twitter), that US support to Ukraine “will continue.”

The REUTERS article may be viewed HERE.

My brothers and sisters, as this writer has expressed in several previous FGGAM articles, there is a marked change of opinion and a clear rush by many conservatives in the US Congress to forego any future aid to Ukraine.

Although this writer is genuinely concerned about the disposition and potential misuse of the large amount of US aid provided to the Ukrainian government, the critical matter of the US budget and our unsustainable national debt level, and even the potential for political arm twisting (to put it kindly) by other nations – including Ukraine, the political decisions made on behalf of the US and its national defense should not happen solely in the political reality of “now” without considering our nation’s history with Russia (and its affiliation with the former USSR).

So, rather than looking at the Ukraine/Russia situation solely from a perspective of mutual exclusivity, which is rarely the best choice in most matters, let’s consider that there are competing factors and concerns requiring wisdom as the US formulates and executes a proper response to the unprovoked, unjustified and evil war perpetrated by Russia’s President against Ukraine.

Russia’s war has resulted in thousands of deaths (on both sides) and hundreds of documented war crimes – including the murder of civilians and the kidnapping of children.  These matters have already been documented and are being prepared for presentation before an international court.

Russia’s continuing assault – and make no mistake that it’s against the Ukrainian people – continues without concern for those neighboring countries and much of the European Union which have suffered and been impacted by Russia’s weaponization of food, oil and gas deliveries.  It is disconcerting to this writer that the entire world seems to be ignoring (or daring not to state) which country is responsible for the intentional destruction of the Nord Stream I and II pipelines, for instance.

Even more importantly, let us never forget that decades were spent and many US lives lost in the effort to end the former Soviet Union’s threats following WWII.  The security of Europe depends on the actions taken by free and peace-loving countries.  Our enemies are watching closely!  We can’t afford to allow another “Afghanistan” to happen on our watch. The war in Ukraine is not a small matter geopolitically or spiritually.

Although it may not be a popular view, it seems that if we (and the world) reward President Vladimir Putin with any of Ukraine’s territory following his murderous war, then the free countries of the world, including the US, will eventually have to put a stop to President Putin’s future and continuing ambitions – so we should not be short-sighted in our political views and perhaps, find a way to “put Putin in his place” now, before even more dire circumstances prevail.

If you are willing, let’s pray for God’s intervention to bring a swift and just end to the bloodshed, suffering, pain and trauma.  Let’s not allow the politics of it all to affect our calling as Christians to love others as ourselves – both Ukrainians and Russians.  Let’s pray for God’s peace, strength and favor upon people of Ukraine.  Let’s pray for Russia’s leaders and its citizens to seek wisdom and begin to see this war for the evil that it really is – and to relent from its prosecution.  And while we’re on our knees(!), let’s give thanks and praise to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for His mercy and goodness.  The Answer is always Jesus!

Psalm 27:1-3 (NKJV)
“The Lord is my light and my salvation; [w]hom shall I fear?  The Lord is the strength of my life; [o]f whom shall I be afraid?  When the wicked came against me [t]o eat up my flesh, [m]y enemies and foes, [t]hey stumbled and fell.  Though an army may encamp against me, [m]y heart shall not fear; [t]hough war may rise against me, [i]n this I will be confident.”

Psalm 111:10 (NKJV)
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; [a] good understanding have all those who do His commandments.  His praise endures forever.”

Praise Jesus forevermore!

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