Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., speaks to reporters hours after he was ousted as Speaker of the House, Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023, at the Capitol in Washington. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., speaks to reporters hours after he was ousted as Speaker of the House, Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023, at the Capitol in Washington. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Kevin McCarthy removed as Speaker:
Unprecedented events and foundational truth

House lawmakers voted to remove Kevin McCarthy as speaker yesterday afternoon, the first time in US history that a speaker has been voted out. Rep. Patrick McHenry (R–NC) was then named the new temporary leader of the House. He closed the chamber and set a goal of voting on the next speaker next Wednesday. House business has been put on hold until then.

This while Donald Trump’s civil fraud trial continues in Manhattan, the first time a former US president has ever faced such charges.

Meanwhile, another unprecedented event is unfolding away from the headlines with ramifications that are even more foundational for biblical Christians in a secularizing culture.

Pope signals support for blessing same-sex unions

After five conservative cardinals challenged Pope Francis to affirm current Catholic teaching on homosexuality ahead of an upcoming major synod, he issued a response which the Washington Post described this way: “Francis wrote that there are ‘situations’ that may not be ‘morally acceptable’ but where a priest can assess, on a case-by-case basis, whether blessings may be given—as long as such blessings are kept separate from the sacrament of marriage.”

The pope’s statement contradicts a 2021 Vatican statement confirming a ban on blessing same-sex couples because “God cannot bless sin.” It was welcomed by an LGBTQ+ advocate: “The allowance for pastoral ministers to bless same-gender couples implies that the church does indeed recognize that holy love can exist between same-gender couples, and the love of these couples mirrors the love of God.”

In other words, so long as we continue to teach the biblical doctrine that marriage is between one man and one woman, we can “bless” marriages that violate this doctrine, or so the pope seems to believe. This is the first time in church history that a pope has taken such a position on sexuality and marriage.

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NOTE: The fall flash sale continues! All of our books are marked down by 40%. If you’ve yet to request your copy of Respectfully, I Disagree or How Does God See America? or The Coming Tsunami, I highly encourage you to do so today. Just use the code DFFALLSALE at checkout to redeem your 40% discount and stock up on biblical resources that speak into today’s culture. *Sale ends Friday.
In other news
1. “We don’t draw lines—we draw big circles” —Andy Stanley

In yesterday’s Daily Article, Dr. Ryan Denison covered the Unconditional Conference led by Andy Stanley and reminded us that “biblical relevance isn’t dependent upon cultural acceptance.”

2. “The early church is still walking and running around the streets of my Cuba.” —Pastor Carlos Alamino

In this episode of The Denison Forum Podcast, we talk with two Cuban pastors about their thirty-plus years of planting churches and creating relevant gospel ministries to children, students, women, and sports enthusiasts.

3. A free course for you or your small group

The Greatest Commandment is our latest free resource for you: a self-paced online course on loving God and loving others well.

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