Politics has blinded so many…..the answer is not in that very dark hole….Proverbs 16:2 teaches us, 2 All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the LORD weigheth the spirits. 2 All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the LORD weighs the spirit. 2 People may be pure in their own eyes, but the LORD examines their motives.

KOAT TV Reports:

Meet Freddie Trujillo.

As a Native American, he knows about the hardships of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous People crisis.

That’s why, as a police chief, he’s vowing to do more.

The Pueblo of Pojoaque: A leader in the fight against MMIP

Generations of American Indians and Alaska Natives have mourned missing and murdered loved ones. Their calls for justice and healing through grassroots activism and advocacy have created nationwide attention and increased support for this Missing or Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP) crisis.

Satan is having his way with more everyday here in America…….Here in New Mexico, all hell has broken loose.

If you do not know JESUS as your Savior, please contact me at pastordewey@fggam.org. I would love to share with you the love and care of JESUS. What will your life be in 5 or 20 years from now? Will you be happy and good within, or will you be afraid to look into your heart?

Will there be a day when you look back with longing to the day when life was new and your heart was pure, washed with the blood of your Savior?

I will be addressing the issues of being a family of God this Friday at 7pm and Saturday at 11am at The Way, The Truth and The Life Ministries in Grants, NM. The conference goes through Sunday morning. Pastor Carlos speaks at 2pm Saturday and Pastor Steve Stucker Sunday morning at 10am. See the banner ad in this post for more information.

Jesus is always the answer.

New Mexico Crusaders for Justice gathered in northeast Albuquerque to raise awareness of the dangers of violent crime on Monday, Sept. 4. Families demanded justice for their loved ones taken in acts of violence deemed senseless in New Mexico.

New Mexico Crusaders for Justice educate on dangers of violent crime

Evil strikes again in Albuquerque!

We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament and New Testament are the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God.
God’s Word is the final authority for faith and life.
We believe there is only one God, and He has chosen to reveal Himself
as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
– FGGAM is a nondenominational, nonpartisan, Independent ministry –

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