This report comes from Our Sister in Christ, Elisa Martinez of New Mexico Alliance For Life

UPDATE: New Mexico AG Asks High Court to Create Abortion Law

Abortion Case to Be Heard in December

 Earlier this week, the New Mexico Supreme Court announced it will hear oral arguments in a case filed by Attorney General Raul Torrez against pro-life city ordinances this December. The case seeks to circumvent the state’s democratic and legislative process by asking the court to find a so-called “right” to abortion in the New Mexico constitution, pushing an extreme agenda on the people of New Mexico.


New Mexico Alliance for Life is represented by Alliance Defending Freedom in a court briefing for the case, that asserts local governments, including those who passed city ordinances from Hobbs, Edgewood and others have the right to enforce federal abortion restrictions.


“Attorney General Raul Torrez’s abortion case before the New Mexico Supreme Court is problematic on many levels as he and the pro-abortion lobby are seeking to circumvent the democratic and legislative process,” said Elisa Martinez, New Mexico Alliance for Life executive director. “Abortion industry-endorsed Attorney General Torrez is asking the court to create a constitutional right to abortion out of thin air, which could allow for abortion up to the moment of birth for any reason.”

IN OTHER NEWS: New Mexico Alliance for Life’s Elisa Martinez will be the keynote speaker for New Life Pregnancy Center’s annual fundraising banquet Tuesday, September 12, 2023 in Taos, NM. Learn more about this amazing life-saving ministry here!

In case you missed it, last week Archbishop of Santa Fe, John Wester in response to how “New Mexico has become a safe haven for those who want an abortion,” issued an urgent call for the defense of human life with a powerful pastoral letter read at every Catholic mass in the archdiocese on August 20th. This amazing proclamation coincidentally comes on the heels of the shocking discovery by New Mexico Alliance for Life that Governor Lujan Grisham’s abortion hotline is promoting “ritual abortions” by the Satanic Temple Health.

The Archbishop’s letter beautifully outlines the urgent call for New Mexico Catholics to defend innocent life from conception to natural death, combined with an act of consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, as a powerful means to “move our State of New Mexico to have a change of heart when it comes to protecting human life in the womb and beyond.”

New Mexico Archbishop Wester Joins NM Catholic Bishops in Public Consecration to Defend Human Life at All Stages.

The Archbishop’s public consecration of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe is joined by Bishop Wall of the Diocese of Gallup and Bishop Baldachinno of the Diocese of Las Cruces–effectively covering the entire state.

Archbishop Wester instructed priests across the Archdiocese of Santa Fe– which includes Albuquerque and Santa Fe, to also pray the Act of Consecration at every mass. An excerpt reads, “O Sacred Heart of Jesus, we consecrate ourselves to you this day, seeking the grace to be effective advocates for the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. We pray that you will assist us as we seek to defend the innocent life in the womb and the fragile life of the sick and elderly. O Sacred Heart, shelter the cradle of the newborn babe; bless the child at school; guide the vocation of young men and women; sweeten the lot of the sufferer; support the aged; console the widow; be a Father to the orphan and the forgotten.” Read the Consecration Prayer here, the faithful are encouraged to print out and pray at mass or in private. Send a “THANK YOU” email to Archbishop Wester:

Excerpt From the Pastoral Letter:

“We must do all that we can to support the mother and to help her sustain the right to life of her child. To do otherwise is to go down a slippery slope and to relegate human beings to being no more than property, as in the antebellum South where people were sold as slaves. It was wrong then, and it is wrong now for any human being to think that human lives are properties that can be owned, traded, or destroyed. If the right exists for one person to terminate another human life, at what point is the line drawn? At what point do we withhold life-giving medicine, at what point do we justify genocide, at what point do we allow murder?


As a Church, we must continue to fight against the terrible sin of abortion. And we must also look at the economic, social, and psychological reasons that cause people to seek an abortion. Poverty is one of the most common of these causes. As Catholics, we must do all we can to eradicate these driving forces behind abortion.

All this demands that we change hearts. It is important to educate others but unless we change hearts, the pro-life movement will not succeed. It is the beat of our hearts that is the source of each person’s life breath. It is the sharing of our hearts that unites us in love. It is the depth of feeling in our hearts what is morally right that encourages us to hope. A heartless person, a heartless policy, a heartless society is dead, without life and love. Our challenge is to change hearts in order to change culture. And we can only face that challenge by grounding our efforts in prayer, prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Bishop Wall, Bishop Baldacchino and I agreed to join in consecrating our dioceses to the hearts of Jesus and Mary so that all of New Mexico would be supported by divine grace in our efforts to promote and protect human life.

Therefore, I invite you, my brothers and sisters, to join me in consecrating ourselves, our archdiocese, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, asking for the graces we need to protect, support and honor human life. In doing so, I am confident that we will move our State of New Mexico to have a change of heart when it comes to protecting human life in the womb and beyond. May God bless us all now and always. Your servant in Christ, Most Reverend John C. Wester Archbishop of Santa Fe.”

Send a “THANK YOU” email to Archbishop Wester:

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New Mexico Alliance for Life

1933 San Mateo Blvd NE, #122 Albuquerque, NM 87110

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Wishing you and your families a safe and blessed

Labor Day Weekend!


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