September 20, 2023
Today’s Daily Devotional
“And they commanded the people, saying, ‘When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the priests, the Levites, bearing it, then you shall set out from your place and go after it.’”
A while ago we got our family together to go look at the Christmas lights. I have a neighbor whose house is so beautifully decorated, and they were telling us about another beautiful house, and he said, “Now you need to go here.” He began to explain it to me, and it got kind of convoluted. So, the neighbor said, “Wait a minute, Pastor, just let me get in my car and I’ll lead you there.” I didn’t have to worry about a street name or a direction; the only thing concerning me were his taillights as I followed where he went. When he moved, I moved, and he took me right where I needed to go. This is similar to what we see in this passage, which says in effect, “When the ark moves, you go after it. Let God guide you with His presence.”
Have you ever wanted God to explain things to you? Have you ever argued with God, and said, “Lord, tell me why?” The reality is you couldn’t understand if He told you, and if He did, you would likely try to bend God’s will to fit yours. In my life, the only way I’ve known the plan of God is not to look into the future, but to call to God and say, “Lord, lead me.”
- When has God guided you, even if you didn’t know where you were going?
- What do you do to discern how to best follow God?
Ask a fellow Christian to share a testimony about how God has led him or her.
Listen to the Full Message
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Joshua 3:3
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An interview with mom, mental health counselor and author, Rachael Elmore who shares 3 steps to kick our ugly, anxious thoughts to the curb, rooted in the Word of God. Listen to this podcast today.